M.Sc. Jeremy Geiger


Exercises to Structural Analysis I
Exercises to Stability of Structures
Exercises to Computational Analysis of Structures
Exercises to Non-linear Analysis of Beam Structures
Exercises to Surface Structures
Exercises to FE-Applications in Practical Engineering
Exercises to Non-linear Analysis of Surface Structures

Lectures in the current winter semester 2024/25

Exercises to Structural Analysis II


Short CV
1994 geboren in Stuttgart
2013 Abitur am Ulrichsgymnasium, Norden
2013 Bachelorstudium des Bauingenieurwesens am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
2016 Bachelorarbeit am Institut für Baustatik, KIT
Thema: Modellierung von 2D-Vouten-Elementen: Theorie und numerische Modelle
2017 Masterstudium des Funktionalen und Konstruktiven Ingenieurbaus, KIT
2019 Masterarbeit am Institut für Baustatik, KIT
Thema: Mehrskalenmodellierung anisotroper elastischer Materialien mit künstlichen neuronalen Netzen
Ausgezeichnet beim DYNAmore-Preis 2019
seit 2020 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Baustatik, KIT



Multiscale modeling with artificial neural networks





Geiger, J.; Wagner, W.; Freitag, S.:
Effective material modeling of complex viscoelastic shell structures with artificial neural networks.
95th annual meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM), 7-11 April, 2025, Poznan, Poland.

Geiger, J.; Wagner, W.; Freitag, S.:
Multiscale Modeling of Viscoelastic Shell Structures with Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Mechanics. In print.


Geiger, J.; Wagner, W.; Freitag, S.:
Multiscale modeling of viscoelastic shell structures with artificial neural networks
9th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS), 3-7 June, 2024, Lisbon, Portugal.



Geiger, J.; Wagner, W.; Freitag, S.: 
Constrained Neural Network Training with Application to Multiscale Modeling of Inelastic and Time-Dependent Materials
2nd IACM Mechanistic Machine Learning and Digital Engineering for Computational Science Engineering and Technology, 24-27 September, El Paso, USA.



Geiger, J., Wagner, W., Freitag, S.:
Multiscale modeling of shell structures with artificial neural networks
8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS), 5-9 June, 2022, Oslo, Norway



Weber, P., Geiger, J., Wagner, W., Freitag, S.:
Incoorporating physical restrictions by constraint optimization techniques for ANN-based hyperelastic material modeling
7th GAMM AG Data Workshop, December 15, 2021, online

Weber, P., Geiger, J., Wagner, W.:
Constrained neural network training and its application to hyperelastic material modeling,
Computational Mechanics, 68, 1179–1204, 2021, 