M.Sc. Lukas Panther
- scientific Assistant
- Office Hours:
Freitags 14:00-15:30 Uhr
und nach Vereinbarung
Fridays 2:00 p.m.-3:30 p.m
and by arrangement - Room: 207
- Phone: +49(0)721 608-42219
- Fax: +49(0)721 608-46015
- lukas panther ∂ kit edu
Exercises to Structural Analysis I
Exercises to Structural Analysis II
Exercises to Stability of Structures
Exercises to Numerical Methods in Structural Analysis
Exercises to FE-Applications in Practical Engineering
Exercises to Computational Analysis of Structures
Lectures in the current winter semester 2024/25
Exercises to Non-linear Analysis of Beam Structures
Short CV
1994 | geboren in Lahr |
2012 | Abitur am Schiller-Gymnasium, Offenburg |
2012-2013 | Freiwilliges Soziales Jahr in der Staufenburg Klinik, Durbach |
2013-2016 | Bachelorstudium des Bauingenieurwesens am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) |
2016 | Bachelorarbeit am Institut für Baustatik, KIT: Stabilitätsuntersuchungen von Plattenstrukturen aus Faserverbundmaterial mit zufallsverteilten materiellen Imperfektionen |
2016-2017 | Praktikum bei Baustatik Relling GmbH, Singen |
2017-2019 | Masterstudium des Funktionalen und Konstruktiven Ingenieurbaus, KIT |
2019 | Masterarbeit am Institut für Baustatik, KIT: Metamodellierung und Sensitivitätsanalyse in der numerischen Strukturanalyse mit polymorph unscharfen Parametern |
seit 2019 | Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Baustatik, KIT |
Structural analysis considering uncertainties with polynomial chaos expansions
Panther, L.; Wagner, W.; Freitag S.:
A consistently linearized spectral stochastic finite element formulation for geometric nonlinear composite shells,
Computational Mechanics, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00466-024-02583-0
Panther, L.; Wagner, W.; Freitag, S.:
A consistently linearized stochastic finite element formulation for geometric nonlinear composite shallow shells
16th World Congress on Computational Mechanics and 4th Pan American Congress on Computational Mechanics,
July 21-26, 2024, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Panther, L.; Wagner, W.; Freitag, S.:
A spectral stochastic finite element formulation for geometric nonlinear shallow shells
5th International Conference on Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Science and Engineering (UNCECOMP), 12-14 June 2023, Athens, Greece
Panther, L.; Wagner, W.; Freitag, S.:
Geometrisch nichtlineare Strukturanalyse mittels stochastischer FE-Formulierung
In: Klinkel, S.; Klarmann, S. (Hrsg.), Forschungskolloquium Baustatik-Baupraxis 2021 in 2022, Kloster Steinfeld, 2022, pp. 35-36
Panther, L., Wagner, W., Freitag, S.:
Structural analysis considering uncertainties using polynomial chaos expansions and proper orthogonal decomposition
8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS), 5-9 June, 2022, Oslo, Norway
Fina, M., Panther, L., Weber, P., Wagner, W.:
Shell buckling with polymorphic uncertain surface imperfections and sensitivity analysis,
ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems Part B: Mechanical Engineering,
Fina, M., Weber, P., Panther, L., Wagner, W.:
Methoden der künstlichen Intelligenz zur Berücksichtigung polymorpher Unschärfe in der nichtlinearen Strukturanalyse.
14. Fachtagung Baustatik-Baupraxis, 23.-24.03.2020, Stuttgart.