New Publication on Structural Topology Optimization with Simultaneous Stress and Displacement Constraints

A new paper with the title " Structural topology optimization with simultaneous stress and displacement constraints considering multiple load cases" has
been published in the international journal Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization,

New Publication on Buckling Design Optimization of Tow-Steered Composite Shells Considering Aleatory and Epistemic Uncertainties

A new paper with the title "Buckling design optimization of tow-steered composite panels and cylindrical shells considering aleatory and epistemic uncertainties" has been published in the international journal Computational Mechanics,
see A corresponding dataset on geometric imperfections of the VAT composite cylindrical shell example is available open access in the central repository of the KIT at

New Publication on ANN surrogate modeling for random fields to predict buckling loads

A new paper with the title "Artificial neural networks for random fields
to predict the buckling load of geometrically imperfect structures" has
been published in the international journal Computational Mechanics,

New Publication on Stochastic finite element formulation for composite shells

A new paper with the title "A consistently linearized spectral stochastic finite element formulation for geometric nonlinear composite shells" has been published in the international journal Computational Mechanics, see

Beitrag im Beton-Kalender 2025

Der gerade erschienene Beton-Kalender 2025 beinhaltet ein Kapitel zum Thema "Digitalisierung im Tunnelbau – Planung, Ausführung, Betrieb", siehe Im Beitrag sind Forschungsergebnisse aus dem DFG-Sonderforschungsbereich 837 “Interaktionsmodelle für den maschinellen Tunnelbau” enthalten.

New Publication on ANN material modeling for SMA fibers

A new paper with the title "ANN material modeling for SMA fibers enhanced with a physical constraint and its application to FE computations" has been published in the international journal Computational Mechanics, see

Job offers & further news

Vortrag zur Masterarbeit
Donnerstag, 16.01.2025
Herr Felix Mols

Surrogate Modelling of Pedestrian-Induced Loads on Suspension Bridges Using Artificial Neural Networks
17:45 Uhr, Geb. 10.50, 2. OG, Raum 214

New Publication on AI-Based Damage Localization in Structural Health Monitoring
A new paper with the title "Artificial Intelligence-Based Approach for Damage Localization in Ultrasonic Guided Wave-Based Structural Health Monitoring" has been published in the Research and Review Journal of Nondestructive Testing, see The paper is part of a Special Issue with the ten best student papers from the 11th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring. The paper is a result of a joint research work within the DFG-Scientific Network “Towards a holistic quality assessment for guided wave-based SHM”.
Invitation to join the Editorial Advisory Board of Acta Mechanica

Steffen Freitag has been invited to join the Editorial Advisory Board of the international journal Acta Mechanica. The scientific articles published in Acta Mechanica are focused on theoretical and applied mechanics. Link:

Featured Paper Award

The paper “Uncertain pedestrian load modeling for structural vibration assessment in footbridge design” has been awarded as the Featured Article for Volume 311, July 2024 issue of the international journal Engineering Structures. This recognition is based on the paper’s innovation, originality, practical applicability of its research findings, and the quality of its writing. The article is available open access at

New Publication on Process Controlling and Numerical Simulation in Mechanised Tunnelling
A new paper with the title "Coupling process controlling data and numerical simulation in mechanised tunnelling" has been published in the international journal “Geomechanics and Tunnelling”, see
Vortrag zur Bachelorarbeit
Donnerstag, 22.08.2024
Herr Felix Schmid

Einfluss der Theorie II. Ordnung auf das Eigenschwingungsverhalten von 2D-Stabtragwerken
16:30 Uhr, Geb. 10.50, 2. Stock, Raum 214

Seminar für Baustatik

Montag, 15.07.2023
FE-Anwendung in der Baupraxis
1. Zugspitze Bahnstation

Adrian Bühler, Luisa Bühler
2. Radwegbrücke Weisenbach
Lia Meier, Philomena Miklos, Sebastian Büchel
3. Goetheturm Frankfurt
Michelle Haupenthal, Gian Marco Albicker
14:00 Uhr, Geb. 10.50, 2. Stock, Raum 214, Institutsbibliothek

Dienstag, 16.07.2023
FE-Anwendung in der Baupraxis

1. Erzbahnschwinge Bochum
Miguel Mena, Shady Kafa, Valeria Hahn
2. Kreuzfahrtterminal 
“Warnemünde Cruise Center 8”

Pierre Hauk, Joschua Ziegler, Bjark Westphalen
3. Aussichtsturm Olympisches Sportzentrum Bengbu
Jingyang Liu, Shuoqi Zhang
4. Ortenau-Brücke
Hannah Felber, Maximilian Pawlik
14:00 Uhr, Geb. 10.50, 2. Stock, Raum 214, Institutsbibliothek

Bericht zu den Seminaren für Baustatik

Successful CAMPUSTAG
On Saturday, June 8, 2024, the CAMPUSTAG took place at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Prospective students had the opportunity to obtain detailed explanations about individual degree programs and were supported in their study orientation and decision-making process. The Institute for Structural Analysis was also present, providing information on teaching and research in the field of structural analysis and structural mechanics. At the joint information pavilion with the student organization "Fachschaft Bau", prospective students built a bridge model and viewed it in a computer simulation.

Seminar für Baustatik
Mittwoch, 03.07.2024
Praxisvortrag Ingenieurbüro Dr. Binnewies

Zur praktischen Anwendung der FEM im Ingenieurbau
16:30 Uhr, Geb. 10.81, Raum 305

New Publication on uncertain pedestrian load modeling for structural vibration assessment in footbridge design

A new paper with the title "Uncertain pedestrian load modeling for structural vibration assessment in footbridge design" has been published in the international journal “Engineering Structures" as part of the special issue "Computational Methods for Stochastic Engineering Dynamics". The article is available open access at

Badische Meile

Das Team Baustatik des KIT hat erfolgreich an der 33. Badischen Meile teilgenommen. Beim Traditionslauf über das historische Längenmaß von 8,88889 Kilometern quer durch Karlsruhe waren in diesem Jahr über 6000 Läuferinnen und Läufer dabei. Weitere Informationen zur Veranstaltung finden Sie unter

Vortrag zur Masterarbeit
Dienstag, 04.06.2024
Frau Eszter Kósa  (B.Sc.)

Theory and Numerics of Stochastic Eigenvalue Problems in the Context of Structural Analysis
16:30 Uhr, Geb. 10.50, 2. Stock, Raum 214
Vortrag zur Masterarbeit
Dienstag, 14.05.2024
Herr Marco Ölschläger (B.Sc.)

Investigation of the structural performance of an arch dam
16:00 Uhr, Geb. 50.31, Raum 613
DYNAmore Award 2023 
Congratulations to Felix Rutsch and Maximilian Schweizer for being nominated for the DYNAmore Award 2023! We are especially proud to announce that Felix Rutsch is one of the three awardees of the DYNAmore Award 2023. Congratulations! The DYNAmore GmbH (an Ansys Company) from Stuttgart yearly offers an award for excellent master theses at the KIT Department of Civil Engineering, Geo and Environmental Sciences. For more information about the DYNAmore Award, please visit and

Girls'Day - Mädchen-Zukunftstag am Institut für Baustatik
Workshop: Baustatik – Wie werden Brücken berechnet?

New Publication on Real-time estimation of the structural utilization level of segmental tunnel lining
A new paper with the title "Real-time estimation of the structural utilization level of segmental tunnel lining" has been published in the international journal “Underground Space”. The article is part of the Special Issue “Machine learning and AI for underground metaverse” and is available at

The team of the Institute for Structural Analysis congratulates Patrick Weber to his PhD. On October 20, 2023 he has successfully defended his PhD thesis with the title ”Physically consistent modeling of elastic and plastic material behavior with artificial neural networks“.

Vortrag zur Masterarbeit
Montag, 06.11.2023
Herr Julian Pappenberger (B.Sc.)

Describing the behavior of 3D printed materials using phenomenological and data-based material models
17:00 Uhr, Geb. 10.50, 2. Stock, Raum 214, Institutsbibliothek
New Publication on Real-time Operational Parameters Selection of Tunnel Boring Machines 
A new paper with the title "A simulation-based software to support the real-time operational parameters selection of tunnel boring machines" has been published in the international journal “Underground Space”. The article is available at

New Publication on Uncertainty Quantification for Sheet Metal Forming
A new paper with the title "Nested optimal uncertainty quantification for an efficient incorporation of random fields - Application to sheet metal forming" has been published in the International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification, see,6ddc531f0f11612d,35d694a077444184.html

Vortrag zur Bachelorarbeit
Dienstag, 22.08.2023
Herr Luigi Norbert Schiano

Isogeometric FE Formulation of a plane curved beam element
16:00 Uhr, Geb. 10.50, 2. Stock, Raum 214, Institutsbibliothek

Seminar für Baustatik
Montag, 24.07.2023
FE-Anwendung in der Baupraxis

1. Holmenkollenschanze, Oslo
Natalie Berret, Jonas Ernst, Jasmin Bleile
2. Stützenkonstruktion, Große Moschee von Algier
Luis Hartmann, Daniel Walz
3. Panoramasteg der Bundesgartenschau, Mannheim
Dorothee Nittka, Marius Neubold, Lucyna Preusse
14:00 Uhr
, Geb. 10.50, 2. Stock, Raum 214, Institutsbibliothek

Seminar für Baustatik
Donnerstag, 27.07.2023
FE-Anwendung in der Baupraxis

Marco Ölschläger, Mostafa Jawish
Weinbergbrücke Rathenow
Merve Karacagün, Moritz Berger, Marie Gruhler
Lunes Hamadi, Sebastian Becker, Manuel Bartosch
Hubschrauberlandeplatz Klinikum Aachen
Eva Antoine, Ricardo Sánchez
14:00 Uhr, Geb. 10.50, 2. Stock, Raum 214, Institutsbibliothek
Bericht zum Seminar für Baustatik

Vortrag zur Bachelorarbeit
Dienstag, 25.07.2023
Herr Florian Fuchs

Theory and virtual element formulation of a plane stress element
16:00 Uhr, Geb. 10.50, 2. Stock, Raum 214, Institutsbibliothek.
New Publication on Surrogate Modeling for Interactive Tunnel Track Design 
A new paper with the title "Surrogate modeling for interactive tunnel track design using the cut finite element method" has been published in the international journal “Engineering with Computers”. The article is available at

New Publication on polymorphic uncertainty modeling in shell buckling
A new paper with the title "On polymorphic uncertainty modeling in shell buckling" has been published in the international journal “Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering". The article is available open access at
Vortrag zur Masterarbeit
Dienstag, 20.06.2023
Herr Felix Rutsch (B.Sc.)

Topology Optimization of Structures with Stress and Displacement Constraints
16:30 Uhr, Geb. 10.50, 2. Stock, Raum 214, Institutsbibliothek.
DYNAmore Award 2022
We are especially proud to announce that our new employee Anastasiia Volovikova is one of the three awardees of the DYNAmore Award 2022. Congratulations!
The DYNAmore GmbH (an Ansys Company) from Stuttgart yearly offers an award for excellent master theses at the KIT Department of Civil Engineering, Geo and Environmental Sciences. For more information about the DYNAmore Award, please visit and
Freischaltung der Studentenkarten für das Gebäude 10.50
Bitte wenden Sie sich an Herrn Andreas Ruf, Geb. 10.50, 2. OG, Raum 208 a
Vertretung: Frau Michelle Köllner, Geb. 10.50, 2. OG, Raum 211