Polymorphic uncertainty modeling

In shell buckling, the modeling of material and geometric imperfections is still a major challenge. Various deterministic, probabilistic and experimental methods exist for the design of shells. Since in reality all data and information are subject to various types of imprecision, e.g., natural variability, incompleteness (lack of knowledge), and imprecision (measurement error), an application of such methods implies precision. Therefore, enormous safety margins are applied in deterministic and probabilistic design concepts. In the present project, the approach of polymorphic uncertainty modeling is introduced in shell buckling. In this new approach, several models (random, interval and fuzzy variables) and combination of them are used for uncertainty quantification. Without generating false assumptions, appropriate uncertainty models can be selected based on the available data. The objective of the project is to improve the robustness and economy of shell designs with the application of polymorphic uncertainty models.



M. Fina, L. Panther, P. Weber, and W. Wagner.: Shell buckling with polymorphic uncertain surface imperfections and sensitivity analysis, ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems Part B: Mechanical Engineering, 7(2), 2021,

M. Fina.: Polymorphe Unschärfemodellierung in der nichtlinearen Strukturmechanik -- Stabilität von Schalentragwerken, räumliche Variabilität und Metamodellierung, Phd thesis, KIT, Institute for Structural Analysis, 2020, ISBN: 978--3--935322--27--0

M. Fina, P. Weber, and W. Wagner.: Polymorphic uncertainty modeling for the simulation of geometric imperfections in probabilistic design of cylindrical shells, Structural Safety, 82, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.strusafe.2019.101894

Contact Person
Dr.-Ing. Marc Fina