
Research Topics

  • Uncertainty Quantification and Numerical Simulation with Uncertain Data
  • Structural Safety and Reliability
  • Nonlinear Finite Element Methods
  • Stability and Load Bearing Capacity of Structures
  • Time-dependent Material Models
  • Surrogate Models and Model Order Reduction
  • Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning
  • Real-time Simulation
  • Optimization of Structures and Processes


Current Research Projects

Design and Optimization of Shell Structures with Polymorphic Uncertain Data
Individual Research Grant, funded since 2022
Project page of the DFG (GEPRIS)

Process-Oriented Simulation Models for Mechanized Tunneling
Subproject C1 of the DFG Collaborative Research Center 837 ”Interaction Modeling in Mechanized Tunneling“
SFB 837 - Subproject C1

Simulation and Monitoring-based Real-time Steering in Mechanized Tunneling
Transfer project T2 of the DFG Collaborative Research Center 837 “Interaction Modeling in Mechanized Tunneling“
SFB 837 - Subproject T2

Optimization Approaches for Robust and Durable Reinforced Concrete and Fibre Concrete Structures under Consideration of Scale Bridging Polymorphic Uncertainty Modelling
Subproject 6 of the DFG Priority Program 1886 „Polymorphic Uncertainty Modelling for the Numerical Design of Structures“
SPP 1886 - Subproject 6

Multiscale modeling with artificial neural networks
Training of artificial neural networks for material modeling using physical constraints

Polymorphic uncertainty modeling

Structural analysis considering uncertainties with polynomial chaos expansions

Two-dimensional conduction mechanisms in ferroelectric nanogenerator structures simulated by phase field method




Completed Research Projects