Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Werner Wagner


Lecture Non-linear Analysis of Beam Structures

Lectures in the current summer semester 2025

Lecture Computational Analysis of Structures
Event Seminar for Structural Analysis




General fields of work: 

Modeling of structures
Beam and shell structures
Composite materials
Numeric of elastic plastic deformations
Finite element methods
Nonlinear continuum mechanics
Stability of structures

Details to special research topics


07.05.1952 Born in Kassel
1973-1979 Study of Civil Engineering at Technical University of Hanover
since 1980 Research assistant at Institute of  Mechanics and Computational Mechanics (IBNM), University of Hanover

PhD-thesis on geometrically nonlinear elastic shells and their numerical modeling

1985 Lecturer at the IBNM, University of Hanover
1990 Akademischer Rat at the IBNM, University of Hanover

Habilitation-thesis on Elastostatic stability problems within the finite element method 

1990-1992 Adjunct Professor Mechanic/Informatics in CE at IBNM, University Hanover
since 1994 Chair of structural analysis at the Institute for Structural Analysis, University of Karlsruhe (TH)
1991-2012 Member of the executive board the German Association for Computational Mechanics (GACM)
since 1995 Inspection engineer for structural Analysis



Publications before 1990
Publications after 1991 (including other publications of the institute)
Google Scholar

more than 300 Publications in national and international journals and proceedings,
for example in:

Der Bauingenieur
Archive of Applied Mechanics
Composite Structures
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Computational Mechanics
Engineering Computations
European Journal of Finite Elements
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering