Veröffentlichungen in Fachzeitschriften und Konferenzbeiträge
2025 | 2016 | 2007 | 1998 |
2024 | 2015 | 2006 | 1997 |
2023 | 2014 | 2005 | 1996 |
2022 | 2013 | 2004 | 1995 |
2021 | 2012 | 2003 | 1994 |
2020 | 2011 | 2002 | 1993 |
2019 | 2010 | 2001 | 1992 |
2018 | 2009 | 2000 | 1991 |
2017 | 2008 | 1999 | vor 1991 |
Schweizer, M.; Fina, M.; Wagner, W.; Freitag, S.:
Optimization of shell structures considering structural stability and polymorphic uncertainties.
6th International Conference on Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Science and Engineering
(UNCECOMP 2025). June 15-18, 2025, Rhodos, Greece
Fina, M.; Freitag, S.; Bisagni, C.:
Structural design optimization of towsteered composite panels and cylinders considering uncertainties.
14th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability (ICOSSAR’25). June 1-6, 2025, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Winnewisser, N. R.; Hacke, P.; Salomon, J.; Fina, M.; Beer, M.; Freitag, S.:
Resilience Decision-Making in Structural Mechanics: A Methodological Study
Considering Reinforced Concrete Beams. Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference (EMI 2025). May 27-30, 2025, Anaheim, CA, USA
Schweizer, M.; Fina, M.; Wagner, W.; Freitag, S.:
Optimization of shell structures with fuzzy-probability based random fields using artificial neural networks.
95th GAMM Annual Meeting. April 7-11, 2025, Poznan, Poland
Geiger, J.; Wagner, W.; Freitag, S.:
Effective material modeling of complex viscoelastic shell structures with artificial neural networks
95th GAMM Annual Meeting. 7-11 April, 2025, Poznan, Poland.
Fina, M.; Valdebenito, M. A.; Wagner, W.; Broggi, M.; Freitag, S.; Faes, M. G. R.; Beer, M.:
Control Variates method to estimate stochastic buckling loads
submitted to International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
Gruttmann, F.; Wagner, W.:
A nonlinear 4-node shell element with one point quadrature and stabilization based on a Hu-Washizu variational formulation, Computational Mechanics, in print
Geiger, J.; Wagner, W.; Freitag, S.:
Multiscale Modeling of Viscoelastic Shell Structures with Artificial Neural Networks,
Computational Mechanics. In print.
Rutsch, F.; Fina, M.; Freitag, S.:
Structural Topology Optimization with Simultaneous Stress and Displacement Constraints considering Multiple Load Cases,
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. In print.
Schweizer, M.; Fina, M.; Wagner, W.; Freitag, S.:
Artificial neural networks for random fields to predict the buckling load of geometricallly imperfect structures,
Computational Mechanics. In print.
Fina, M.; Bisagni, C.:
Buckling design optimization of tow-steered composite panels and cylindrical shells considering aleatory and epistemic uncertainties,
Computational Mechanics. 2025.
Fina, M.; Bisagni, C.:
Geometric imperfection data for a tow-steered composite cylindrical shell,
KITopen repository. 2025.
Meschke, G.; König, M.; Thewes, M.; Freitag, S.; Vollmann, G.; Neu, G.; Alsahly, A.; Cao, B. T.:
Digitalisierung im Tunnelbau – Planung, Ausführung, Betrieb,
In: Bergmeister, K.; Fingerloos, F.; Wörner, J.-D. (Hrsg.), Beton-Kalender 2025: Tunnelbau Betonbauqualität (BBQ), Ernst & Sohn, Berlin,
Band 1, Kapitel VIII, 2024, S. 287 – 392
Panther, L.; Wagner, W.; Freitag, S.:
A consistently linearized spectral stochastic finite element formulation for geometric nonlinear composite shells,
Computational Mechanics,
Fina, M.; Kreinovich, V.:
What If the Resulting Interval Is Too Wide: From a Heuristic Fuzzy-Technique Idea to a Mathematically Justified Approach,
The 6th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computational Intelligence AICI'2025,
January 5-6, 2025, Hanoi, Vietnam.
Weber, P.; Wagner, W.; Freitag, S.:
ANN material modeling for SMA fibers enhanced with a physical constraint and its application to FE computations,
Computational Mechanics,
Volovikova, A.; Freitag, S.; Memmolo, V.; Bayoumi, A.; Mueller, I.; Moll, J.; Schackmann, O.:
Artificial Intelligence-Based Approach for Damage Localization in Ultrasonic Guided Wave-Based Structural Health Monitoring,
Research and Review Journal of Nondestructive Testing, 2024-12-01, 2024
Special Issue with the ten best student papers from the 11th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring
Zendaki, Y.; Cao, B. T.; Stascheit, J.; Alsahly, A.; Freitag, S.; Maidl, U.; Meschke, G.:
Coupling process controlling data and numerical simulation in mechanised tunnelling,
Geomechanics and Tunnelling, 17 (4), 2024, pp. 324-331
Panther, L.; Wagner, W.; Freitag, S.:
A consistently linearized stochastic finite element formulation for geometric nonlinear composite shallow shells
16th World Congress on Computational Mechanics and 4th Pan American Congress on Computational Mechanics,
July 21-26, 2024, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Freitag, S.; Fina, M.; Schweizer, M.; Wagner, W.:
Polymorphic Uncertainty Quantification in Structural Dynamics
16th World Congress on Computational Mechanics and 4th Pan American Congress on Computational Mechanics,
July 21-26, 2024, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Schietzold, F. N.; Heinzig, S.; Fina, M.; Graf, W.; Freitag, S.; Kaliske, M.:
Simulation of Fuzzy Probability-based Random Fields with non-Gaussian Marginal Distributions by an Efficient NATAF Transformation Method,
34th European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL), 23-27 June, 2024, Cracow, Poland
Fina, M.; Schietzold, F. N.; Heinzig, S.; Freitag, S.; Graf, W.; Kaliske, M.:
Incorporation of non-Gaussian Shell Imperfections by NATAF Transformation in Efficient Random Field Simulation,
34th European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL), 23-27 June, 2024, Cracow, Poland
Rutsch, F.; Fina, M.; Freitag, S.; Weeger, O.:
Structural Topology Optimization based on Augmented Lagrangian Method to consider Stress and Displacement Constraints,
9th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS), 3-7 June 2024, Lisbon, Portugal
Geiger, J.; Wagner, W.; Freitag, S.:
Multiscale modeling of viscoelastic shell structures with artificial neural networks,
9th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS), 3-7 June, 2024, Lisbon, Portugal
Schweizer, M.; Fina, M.; Wagner, W.; Kasic, S.; Freitag, S.:
Uncertain pedestrian load modeling for structural vibration assessment in footbridge design
Engineering Structures, 311, 118070, 2024
awarded by Engineering Structures as the Featured Article for Volume 311, July 2024
Schweizer, M.; Fina, M.; Wagner, W.; Freitag, S.:
Artificial neural network surrogate modelling for random fields in structural stability,
8th International Symposium on Uncertainty Modelling and Analysis,
April 25-28, 2024, Shanghai, China
Rutsch, F.; Fina, M.; Freitag, S.; Weeger, O.:
Topology Optimization of Continuum Structures using Simultaneous Stress and Displacement Constraints,
94rd GAMM Annual Meeting, March 18 - 22, 2024, Magdeburg, Germany
Fina, M.; Schweizer, M.; Wagner, W.; Freitag, S.:
Dynamische Tragwerksanalyse von Fußgängerbrücken mit unscharfen Parametern
In: B. Oesterle, A. Bögle, W. Weber and L. Striefler (eds.), Baustatik–Baupraxis 15, pp. 629-636. March 4-5, 2024, Hamburg,
Weber, P.; Wagner, W.; Freitag, S.:
Daten-basierte Materialmodellierung und Simulation von Holztragwerken mit künstlichen neuronalen Netzen,
In: B. Oesterle, A. Bögle, W. Weber and L. Striefler (eds.), Baustatik–Baupraxis 15, pp. 577-584. March 4-5, 2024, Hamburg,
Gruttmann, F.; Wagner, W.:
A FE2 shell model with periodic boundary conditions for thin and thick shells,
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering Vol 125-11, e7433, 2024,
Gottardi, N.; Freitag, S.; Meschke, G.:
Real-time estimation of the structural utilization level of segmental tunnel lining,
Underground Space, 17, 2024, pp. 132 – 145
Special Issue Machine Learning and AI for Underground Metaverse
Zendaki, Y; Cao, B. T.; Alsahly, A.; Freitag, S.; Meschke, G.:
A simulation-based software to support the real-time operational parameters selection of tunnel boring machines,
Underground Space, 14, 2024, pp. 176 – 196
Special Issue Computational methods and information models in tunneling
Miska, N.; Freitag, S.; Balzani, D.:
Nested optimal uncertainty quantification for an efficient incorporation of random fields - Application to sheet metal forming,
International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification, 14 (1), 2024, pp. 89 – 106
Freitag, S.; Edler, P.; Schoen, S.; Meschke, G.:
Artificial neural network surrogate modeling for uncertainty quantification and structural optimization of reinforced concrete structures,
Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 23, 2023, e202300286 (8 pages)
Freitag, S.:
Artificial Neural Networks for Structural Optimization considering Polymorphic Uncertainties,
In: 2nd German-Italian Workshop on Common Research Interests in Computational Mechanics, Aachen, Germany, 2023
Gottardi, N.; Freitag, S.; Meschke, G.:
Structural Utilization Prediction for the Health Monitoring of Tunnel Linings by Means of an Artificial Neural Network Ensemble,
In: Farhangdoust, S.; Guemes, A.; Chang, F.-K. (eds.), Structural Health Monitoring 2023, Designing SHM for Sustainability, Maintainability, and Reliability, Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (IWSHM), Stanford University, USA, DEStech Publications, Inc., Lancaster, 2023, (9 pages)
Memmolo, V.; Moll, J.; Schackmann, O.; Freitag, S.; Volovikova, V.; Tschöke, K.; Savli, E.; Lugovstova, Y.; Moix-Bonet, M.; Bayoumi, A.; Mueller, I.:
Promoting Novel Strategies for the Reliability Assessment of Guided Wave Based SHM Systems,
In: Farhangdoust, S.; Guemes, A.; Chang, F.-K. (eds.), Structural Health Monitoring 2023, Designing SHM for Sustainability, Maintainability, and Reliability, Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (IWSHM), Stanford University, USA, DEStech Publications, Inc., Lancaster, 2023, (9 pages)
Cao, B.T.; Zendaki, Y.; Freitag, S.; Meschke, G.:
Surrogate models for real-time interactive tunnel alignment design with uncertain data,
In: Proceedings of the 5th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Sciences and Engineering (UNCECOMP 2023), Athens, Greece, 2023
Schoen, S. M.; Edler, P.; Freitag, S.; Meschke, G.:
Durability analysis and optimization of a prestressed concrete bridge strengthened by a fiber reinforced concrete layer,
In: Biondini, F.; Frangopol, D.M. (eds.), Life-Cycle of Structures and Infrastructure Systems, Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering (IALCCE 2023), Milan, Italy, CRC Press/Balkema, Boca Raton, 2023, pp. 485 – 492
Geiger, J.; Wagner, W.; Freitag, S.:
Constrained Neural Network Training with Application to Multiscale Modeling of Inelastic and Time-Dependent Materials
2nd IACM Mechanistic Machine Learning and Digital Engineering for Computational Science Engineering and Technology, 24-27 September, El Paso, USA.
Fina, M.; Schweizer, M.; Wagner, W.; Freitag, S.:
Human-induced vibrations of footbridges: modeling with polymorphic uncertainties,
10th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics, September 10-13, 2023, Vienna, Austria
Weber, P.; Wagner, W.; Freitag, S.:
Comparison of different approaches considering physical properties in ANN material modeling for plasticity
XVII International Conference on Computational Plasticity (COMPLAS), September 05-07, 2023, Barcelona, Spain
Schweizer, M.; Fina, M.; Wagner, W.; Freitag S.:
Simulation of Human-induced Vibrations of Footbridges with Polymorphic Uncertain Data,
Forschungskolloquium FE ohne Schnee, 30.07.-02.08.2023, Hirschegg, Austria.
Volovikova, A.; Freitag, S.:
Damage Detection with Artificial Neural Networks
Forschungskolloquium FE ohne Schnee, 30.07.-02.08.2023, Hirschegg, Austria.
Fina, M.; Wagner, W.; Graf, W.:
On polymorphic uncertainty modeling in shell buckling,
Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 38 (18), 2023, pp. 2632 – 2647
Meschke, G.; Breitenbücher, R.; Freitag, S.; König, M.; Thewes, M. (eds.):
Interaction Modeling in Mechanized Tunneling, Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham, 2023, 463 pages,
Alsahly, A.; Bui, H.-G.; Heußner, L.; Jodehl, A.; Williams Moises, R. J.; Obel, M.; Stepien, M.; Vonthron, A.; Zendaki, Y.; Freitag, S.; König, M.; Mahmoudi, E.; Mark, P.; Meschke, G.; Thewes, M.:
Digital Design in Mechanized Tunneling
In: Meschke, G.; Breitenbücher, R.; Freitag, S.; König, M.; Thewes, M. (eds.), Interaction Modeling in Mechanized Tunneling, Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham, 2023, pp. 329-404,
Cao, B. T.; Heußner, L.; Jodehl, A.; Obel, M.; Salloum, Y.; Freitag, S.; König, M.; Mark, P.; Meschke, G.; Thewes, M.:
Real-Time Simulation for Steering the Tunnel Construction Process
In: Meschke, G.; Breitenbücher, R.; Freitag, S.; König, M.; Thewes, M. (eds.), Interaction Modeling in Mechanized Tunneling, Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham, 2023, pp. 405-463,
Gottardi, N.; Freitag, S.; Meschke, G.:
Structural stress prediction based on deformations using artificial neural networks trained with artificial noise
Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 22, 2023, e202200035 (6 pages),
Fina, M.; Faes, M. G. R.; Valdebenito, M. A., Wagner, W.; Freitag, S.; Broggi, M.; Beer, M.:
Uncertainty Quantification of Buckling Loads of Framed Structures Applying Linear and Nonlinear Analysis
14th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering,
July 09-13, 2023, Dublin, Ireland,
Bui, H.-G.; Cao, B. T.; Freitag, S.; Hackl, K.; Meschke, G.:
Surrogate modeling for interactive tunnel track design using the cut finite element method,
Engineering with Computers, 39 (6), 2023, pp. 4025 – 4043
Special Issue UKACM 2022 – Advances in Computational Mechanics
Panther, L.; Wagner, W.; Freitag, S.:
A spectral stochastic finite element formulation for geometric nonlinear shallow shells
5th International Conference on Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Science and Engineering (UNCECOMP), 12-14 June 2023, Athens, Greece
Fina, M.; Wagner, W.; Freitag, S.; Valdebenito, M. A.; Faes, M. G. R.; Broggi, M.; Beer, M.:
Stochastic buckling loads of thin-walled structures combining linear and nonlinear analysis,
93rd GAMM Annual Meeting, May 30 - June 2, 2023, Dresden, Germany
Zendaki, Y.; Cao, B. T.; Alsahly, A.; Freitag, S.; Meschke, G.:
TunAID - Interactive simulation-based tunnel track design tool for mechanized tunneling in urban areas.
In: Anagnostou, G.; Benardos, A.; Marinos, V. P. (eds.), Expanding Underground - Knowledge and Passion to Make a Positive Impact on the World: Proceedings of the ITA-AITES World Tunnel Congress 2023 (WTC 2023), Athens, Greece, CRC Press, London, 2023, pp. 2940 – 2947,
Gottardi, N.; Freitag, S.; Meschke, G.:
Safety level assessment of segmental linings in rock.
In: Anagnostou, G.; Benardos, A.; Marinos, V. P. (eds.), Expanding Underground - Knowledge and Passion to Make a Positive Impact on the World: Proceedings of the ITA-AITES World Tunnel Congress 2023 (WTC 2023), Athens, Greece, CRC Press, London, 2023, pp. 2693 – 2700,
Weber, P.; Wagner, W.; Freitag S.:
Physically enhanced training for modeling rate-independent plasticity with feedforward neural networks,
Computational Mechanics, 72, 2023, pp. 827 – 857
Weber, P.; Wagner, W.; Freitag, S.:
Energy conservation for ANN material models: Comparing a weak enforcement with the penalty method to a strong enforcement utilizing a specific data loss function
9th GAMM AG Data Workshop, March 20-21, 2023, Stuttgart, Germany,
Fina, M.; Lauff, C.; Faes, M. G. R.; Valdebenito, M. A.; Wagner, W.; Freitag, S.:
Bounding Imprecise Failure Probabilities in Structural Mechanics based on Maximum Standard Deviation, Structural Safety (101) 2023, 102293,
Fina, M.; Wagner, W.; Freitag, S.:
Uncertainty quantification of shell imperfections with limited data
SPP1886-Workshop - Interactions and Multi-Physical Behavior Considering Uncertain Data, 20-21 October, 2022, Karlsruhe, Germany
Freitag, S.; Peters, S.; Edler, P.; Meschke, G.:
Reliability-based optimization of structural topologies using artificial neural networks
Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 70, 2022, 103356 (12 pages)
Special Issue Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Computations
Breitenbücher, R.; Freitag, S.; König, M.; Lavasan, A. A.; Mark, P.; Meschke, G.; Röttger, A.; Sahlmen, J.; Schösser, B.; Thewes, M.; Weber, S.; Brackmann, L.; Cao, B. T.; Jodehl, A.; Krikelis, C.; Petraroia, D. N.; Schröer, M.; Stepien, M.; Vonthron, A.:
Transfer of Fundamental Research Into Practical Tunnel Construction Applications;
Überführung der Grundlagenforschung in tunnelbaupraktische Anwendungen
Tunnel, 2, 2022, pp. 12-24
tunnel Series: Interaction Modeling in Mechanized Tunneling, Recapitulation;
tunnel-Serie: Interaktionsmodelle für den maschinellen Tunnelbau, Resümee
Edler, P.; Freitag, S.; Schoen, S.; Meschke, G.:
Adaptive surrogate modeling approach for structural optimization under uncertainties
In: Beer, M.; Zio, E.; Phoon, K.-K.; Ayyub, B. M. (eds.), 8th International Symposium on Reliability Engineering and Risk Management (ISRERM), Hannover, Germany, 2022, Research Publishing, Singapore, 2022, pp. 373-380,
Gottardi, N.; Freitag, S.; Meschke, G.:
Structural stress prediction based on structural deformations using artificial neural networks
In: 92nd Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM 2022), RWTH Aachen, Germany, 2022
Cao, B. T.; Gottardi, N.; Freitag, S.; Meschke, G.:
Tunnel Lining Deformation Prediction using Limited Measurements and Gappy Proper Orthogonal Decomposition
In: 15th World Congress in Computational Mechanics (WCCM), Yokohama, Japan, online, 2022
Meschke, G.; Freitag, S.; Alsahly, A.; Cao, B. T.:
Numerische Vortriebssimulation im maschinellen Tunnelbau
In: 7. Münchener Tunnelbau Symposium, Universität der Bundeswehr München, 2022
Freitag, S.:
Structural Optimization under Uncertainty
1st International Conference on Programmable Materials (ProgMatCon2022), Fraunhofer Cluster of Excellence Programmable Materials CPM, Berlin, 2022
Mueller, I.; Freitag, S.; Memmolo, V.; Moix-Bonet, M.; Möllenhoff, K.; Golub, M.; Sridaran Venkat, R.; Lugovtsova, Y.; Eremin, A.; Moll, J.; Tschöke, K.:
Performance Assessment for Artificial Intelligence-Based Data Analysis in Ultrasonic Guided Wave-Based Inspection: A Comparison to Classic Path-Based Probability of Detection
In: Rizzo, P.; Milazzo, A. (eds.), European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (EWSHM 2022), Volume 2, Palermo, Italy, 2022, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering 254, Springer, Cham, 2023, pp. 953-961,
Tschöke, K.; Mueller, I.; Memmolo, V.; Sridaran Venkat, R.; Golub, M.; Eremin, A.; Moix-Bonet, M.; Möllenhoff, K.; Lugovtsova, Y.; Moll, J.; Freitag, S.:
A Model-Assisted Case Study Using Data from Open Guided Waves to Evaluate the Performance of Guided Wave-Based Structural Health Monitoring Systems
In: Rizzo, P.; Milazzo, A. (eds.), European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (EWSHM 2022), Volume 2, Palermo, Italy, 2022, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering 254, Springer, Cham, 2023, pp. 937-944,
Freitag, S.; Cao, B. T.; Obel, M.; Heußner, L.; Mark, P.; Meschke, G.:
Risk Assessment of Tunneling Induced Building Damage: A Real-Time Prediction Considering Polymorphic Uncertain Data
In: International Conference on Computational Methods and Information Models in Tunneling (EURO:TUN), Ruhr University Bochum, Germany, 2022, pp. 141-142 (Book of Abstracts)
Gottardi, N.; Freitag, S.; Meschke, G.:
Structural health assessment of segmental lining
In: International Conference on Computational Methods and Information Models in Tunneling (EURO:TUN), Ruhr University Bochum, Germany, 2022, pp. 147-148 (Book of Abstracts)
Zendaki, Y.; Cao, B. T.; Alsahly, A.; Freitag, S.; Meschke, G.:
Simulation-based surrogate models for real-time tunnel lining behavior predictions
In: International Conference on Computational Methods and Information Models in Tunneling (EURO:TUN), Ruhr University Bochum, Germany, 2022, pp. 49-50 (Book of Abstracts)
Bui, H. G.; Cao, B. T.; Alsahly, A.; Freitag, S.; Meschke, G.:
Real-time simulation-based interactive design for tunnel alignments
In: International Conference on Computational Methods and Information Models in Tunneling (EURO:TUN), Ruhr University Bochum, Germany, 2022, pp. 29-30 (Book of Abstracts)
Schoen, S.; Edler, P.; Gudzulic, V.; Meschke, G.; Freitag, S.:
Optimization of the corrosion initiation time of RC structures considering uncertainties
In: Meschke, G.; Pichler, B.; Rots, J.G. (eds.), Computational Modelling of Concrete and Concrete Structures (EURO-C 2022), Vienna, Austria, 2022, Taylor & Francis, London, 2022, pp. 545-554,
Bui, H.-G.; Cao, B. T.; Freitag, S.; Hackl, K.; Meschke, G.:
Simulation-based Tunnel Track Design using the Cut Finite Element Method
In: 2022 Annual Conference of the UK Association for Computational Mechanics (UKACM 2022), The University of Nottingham, UK, 2022
Weber, P.; Wagner, W.; Freitag, S.:
Considering physical restrictions in the training process of feedforward neural networks for modeling rate-independent plasticity
5th African Conference on Computational Mechanics
November, 2-4, 2022, Cape Town, South Africa
Edler, P.; Freitag, S.; Meschke, G.:
Shifted Interval Method - An efficient Approach to solve constrained Optimization Problems considering epistemic Uncertainty
In: 5th African Conference on Computational Mechanics (AfriComp), Cape Town, South Africa, 2022
Faes, M. G.; Fina, M.; Lauff, C.; Valdebenito, M. A.; Wagner, W.; Freitag, S.:
Bounding the first excursion probability of stochastic oscillators under randomness and imprecision,
International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering (ISMA), 12-14 September 2022, Leuven, Belgium
Neu, G. E.; Edler, P.; Freitag, S.; Gudžulić, V.; Meschke, G.:
Reliability based optimization of steel-fibre segmental tunnel linings subjected to thrust jack loadings.
Engineering Structures, 254, 2022, 113752.
Special Issue in Tribute of Prof. Philip Gould and Prof. Dr. Herbert Mang
Wagner, W.; Gruttmann, F.:
On a nonlinear elastic composite shell model with a refined 3D stress analysis,
in F. Aldakheel, B. Hudobivnik, M. Soleimani, H. Wessels, C. Weißenfels, M. Marino (Eds.)
Current Trends and Open Problems in Computational Mechanics, Springer 2022, 553-567, ISBN 978-3-030-87311-0,
Panther, L.; Wagner, W.; Freitag, S.:
Geometrisch nichtlineare Strukturanalyse mittels stochastischer FE-Formulierung
In: Klinkel, S., Klarmann, S. (Hrsg.), Forschungskolloquium Baustatik-Baupraxis 2021 in 2022, Kloster Steinfeld, 2022, pp. 35-36
Geiger, J.; Wagner, W.; Freitag, S.:
Sobolev Training for Artificial Neural Networks with Application to Multiscale Modeling of Shell Structures
9th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics, 21-23 September, 2022, Essen, Germany
Weber, P.; Wagner, W.; Freitag, S.:
Enhancing Data-based ANN Material Modeling with Physical Restrictions using Constraint Optimization Techniques
9th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics, September 21-23, 2022, Essen, Germany
Fina, M.; Faes, M. G. R.; Valdebenito, M. A.; Wagner, W.; Broggi, M.; Beer, M.; Freitag, S.:
Estimation of Second-order Statistics of Buckling Loads Applying Linear and Nonlinear Analysis,
8th International Symposium on Reliability Engineering and Risk Management (ISRERM),
September 4-7, 2022, Hannover, Germany, ISBN:978-981-18-5184-1,
Faes, M. G. R.; Fina, M.; Valdebenito, M. A.; Lauff, C.; Wagner, W.; Freitag, S.; Beer, M.:
Bounding Failure Probabilities in Imprecise Stochastic FE models,
8th International Symposium on Reliability Engineering and Risk Management (ISRERM),
September 4-7, 2022, Hannover, Germany, ISBN:978-981-18-5184-1,
Fina, M.; Lauff, C.; Wagner, W.:
Optimal shell design with polymorphic uncertain parameters,
8th International Symposium on Reliability Engineering and Risk Management (ISRERM),
September 4-7, 2022, Hannover, Germany, ISBN:978-981-18-5184-1,
Weber, P.; Wagner, W.; Freitag S.:
Zur Berücksichtigung physikalischer Nebenbedingungen bei der Materialmodellierung mit künstlichen neuronalen Netzen,
Forschungskolloquium FE ohne Schnee, 16.07.-19.07.2022, Hirschegg, Austria.
Loboda, V.; Sheveleva, A.; Komarov, O.; Wagner, W.; Lapusta, Y.:
Interaction of two collinear interface cracks with different electrical conditions at their faces in one-dimensional piezoelectric quasicrystal, Acta Mechanica (2022),
Panther, L.; Wagner, W.; Freitag, S.:
Structural analysis considering uncertainties using polynomial chaos expansions and proper orthogonal decomposition
8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS), 5-9 June, 2022, Oslo, Norway
Fina, M.; Wagner, W.; Freitag, S.:
Shell buckling with uncertainty quantification under limited data
8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS), 5-9 June, 2022, Oslo, Norway
Geiger, J.; Wagner, W.; Freitag, S.:
Multiscale modeling of shell structures with artificial neural networks
8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS), 5-9 June, 2022, Oslo, Norway
Weber, P.; Geiger, J.; Wagner, W.; Freitag, S.:
Incoorporating physical restrictions by constraint optimization techniques for ANN-based hyperelastic material modeling, December 15, 2021, online
Weber, P.; Geiger, J.; Wagner, W.:
Constrained neural network training and its application to hyperelastic material modeling,
Computational Mechanics, 68, 1179–1204, 2021,
Fina, M.; Panther, L.; Weber, P.; Wagner, W.:
Shell buckling with polymorphic uncertain surface imperfections and sensitivity analysis,
ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems Part B: Mechanical Engineering,
Fina, M.:
Polymorphe Unschärfemodellierung in der nichtlinearen Strukturmechanik - Stabilität von Schalentragwerken, räumliche Variabilität und Metamodellierung,
Dissertation, Institut für Baustatik, KIT, 2020,
Gruttmann, F.; Wagner, W.:
An advanced shell model for the analysis of geometrical and material nonlinear shells,
Computational Mechanics 66, 1353–1376 (2020).
Molinari, A.; Witte, R.; Neelisetty, K. K.; Gorji, S.; Kübel, C.; Münch, I.; Wöhler, F.; Hahn, L.; Hengsbach, S.; Bade, K.; Hahn, H.; Kruk, R.:
Configurable Resistive Response in BaTiO3 Ferroelectric Memristors via Electron Beam Radiation, Adv. Mater., (2020),32,1907541.
Wagner, W.; Gruttmann, F.:
An improved quadrilateral shell element based on the Hu-Washizu functional,
Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences, (7) 2020, 28,
Gruttmann, F.; Wagner, W.:
On an improved 3D stress analysis for elastic composite shells,
Computers & Structures, 231(2020) 106172.
Weber, P.; Fina, M.; Wagner, W.:
Simulation of an earthquake excited four story steel frame with polymorphic uncertainties.
14th World Congress in Computational Mechanics (WCCM XIV), July 19-24, 2020, Paris, France.
Naumann, J.; Münch, I.; Wagner, W.:
Isogeometrische Analyse zur Evolution von Faser-Matrix Verbundsystemen mit der Phasenfeldmethode.
in M. Bischoff, M. v. Scheven, B. Oesterle (eds.)
Baustatik-Baupraxis 14-Stuttgart, 2020, 545-552, ISBN 978-3-00-064639-3.
Fina, M.; Weber, P.; Panther, L.; Wagner, W.:
Methoden der künstlichen Intelligenz zur Berücksichtigung polymorpher Unschärfe in der nichtlinearen Strukturanalyse.
In: M. Bischoff, M. von Scheven and B. Oesterle (eds.), Baustatik–Baupraxis 14, pp. 163-170.
March 23-24, 2020, Stuttgart, Germany,
Gruttmann, F.; Wagner, W.:
Use of quadratic strain interpolation functions in a mixed quadrilateral shell element,
in: H. Altenbach,,
Analysis of Shells, Plates, and Beams, Advanced Structured Materials 134, Springer, 2020, 155-170.
Köpple, M.; Wagner, W.:
A mixed finite element model with enhanced zigzag kinematics for the non-linear analysis of multilayer plates, Computational Mechanics, (65) 2020, 23-40,
Fina, M.; Weber, P.; Wagner, W.:
Polymorphic uncertainty modeling for the simulation of geometric imperfections in probabilistic design of cylindrical shells,
Structural Safety (82) 2020, 101894
Münch, I., Klassen, M., Wagner, W.:
Topology Optimization with Isogeometric Analysis and Phase Field Modeling.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 19, (2019).
Klassen, M., Münch, I., Klinkel, S.:
Phase field modeling with IGA and FEM: Error surveillance in the transition zone
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 19, (2019).
Keller, A., Münch, I., Wagner, W.:
Comprehensive optimization of frame structures.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 19, (2019).
Wagner, W., Gruttmann, F.:
On a simple shell model for thin structures with functionally graded materials,
in: H. Altenbach, J. Chróscielewski, V. Eremeyev, K. Wisniewski (Eds.)
Recent Developments in the Theory of Shells, Advanced Structured Materials 110, Springer, 2019, 687-710.
Läufer, J., Wagner, W.:
A gradient based model for the mesh-independent damage simulation of layered composite structures,
Computers & Structures, (221) 2019, 1-12,
Münch, I.:
Higher Order Evolutionary Structural Optimization with Phase Field Modeling, 4th International Symposium on Phase-Field Modelling in Materials Science, July 22-25, Bochum.
Weber, P., Fina, M., Wagner, W.:
Time domain simulation of earthquake exitited buildings using a fuzzy stochastic approach,
in Michael Beer, Enrico Zio (Eds.): Proceedings of the 29th European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL),
September 22-26, 2019 Hannover, Germany, ISBN: 978-981-11-2724-3,
Fina, M., Weber, P., Wagner, W.:
Modeling of aleatory and epistemic uncertainties in probabilistic design of cylindrical shells,
in Michael Beer, Enrico Zio (Eds.): Proceedings of the 29th European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL),
September 22-26, 2019 Hannover, Germany, ISBN: 978-981-11-2724-3,
Fina, M., Weber, P., Wagner, W.:
Numerical design of cylindrical shells with a polymorphic uncertainty model,
3rd International Conference on Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Sciences and Engineering,
June 24-26, 2019, Crete, Greece.
Weber, P., Fina, M., Wagner, W.:
Polymorphic uncertainty in time-domain dynamic analysis of buildings under earthquake excitation using metamodels,
3rd International Conference on Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Sciences and Engineering,
June 24-26, 2019, Crete, Greece.
Fina, M., Weber, P., Wagner, W.:
A fuzzy stochastic correlation model for geometric imperfections of cylindrical shells,
13th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering,
May 26-30, 2019, Seoul, South Korea.
Keller, A., Münch, I., Wagner, W.:
Comprehensive optimization of frame structures,
90th GAMM Annual Meeting,
February 18-22, 2019, Vienna, Austria.
Münch, I., Klassen, M., Wagner, W.:
Topology Optimization with Isogeometric Analysis and Phase Field Modeling,
90th GAMM Annual Meeting,
February 18-22, 2019, Vienna, Austria.
Klassen, M., Münch, I., Klinkel, S.:
Phase field modeling with IGA and FEM: Error surveillance in the transition zone,
90th GAMM Annual Meeting,
February 18-22, 2019, Vienna, Austria.
Münch, I., Keller, A.:
Phase Field Modeling in Structural Engineering
6th GAMM Workshop on Phase-Field Modeling, February 7-8, 2019, Karlsruhe, Germany.
Wagner, W., Läufer, J.:
On a gradient based transversely isotropic damage model for laminated composite structures,
in Marovic, P., Krstulovic-Opara, L., Galic, M. (Eds.): Proc. of the 9th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics,
p106, Split, Croatia, September 18 – 22, 2018, ISSN 2584-7716.
Weber, P., Fina, M., Wagner, W.:
Zur Fuzzy-stochastischen Analyse in der Strukturdynamik mittels Metamodellen, in J. Schneider, N. Kiziltoprak (Hrsg.)
Forschungskolloquium 2018 Grasellenbach Baustatik-Baupraxis e.V., Springer Vieweg 2018, 91-93,
Keller, A., Münch, I., Wagner, W.:
Form- und Systemoptimierung von Rahmentragwerken, in J. Schneider, N. Kiziltoprak (Hrsg.)
Forschungskolloquium 2018 Grasellenbach Baustatik-Baupraxis e.V., Springer Vieweg 2018, 39-41,
Lauterbach, S., Fina, M., Wagner, W.:
Influence of stochastic geometric imperfections on the load-carrying behaviour of thin-
walled structures using constrained random fields, Computational Mechanics (62) 2018, 1107–1125,
Wöhler, F.J., Münch, I., Wagner, W.:
On the influence of leakage current and polarization domains in ferroelectric nanogenerators for energy harvesting,
10th European Solid Mechanics Conference, July 2-6, 2018, Bologna, Italy.
Gruttmann, F., Knust, G., Wagner, W.:
A shell model for layered structures with variationally embedded interlaminar stresses,
6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM6), June 11-25, 2018, Glasgow, UK.
Wöhler, F.J., Münch, I., Wagner, W.:
Energy harvesting with the effect of leakage currents for ferroelectric nanogenerators,
6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM6), June 11-25, 2018, Glasgow, UK.
Wöhler, F.J., Münch, I., Wagner, W.:
Untersuchung von Leckstrommechanismen in ferroelektrischen Nanogeneratoren,
Forschungskolloquium FE im Schnee,
25.03.-28.03.2018, Hirschegg, Austria.
Läufer, J.:
Entwicklung eines gradientenbasierten Modells zur netzunabhängigen Schädigungssimulation geschichteter Faserverbundstrukturen,
Forschungskolloquium FE im Schnee,
25.03.-28.03.2018, Hirschegg, Austria.
Fina, M., Sutter, F., Wagner, W.:
Zur Monte-Carlo-Simulation für dynamische Stabilitätsuntersuchungen imperfekter Kreiszylinderschalen,
Forschungskolloquium FE im Schnee,
25.03.-28.03.2018, Hirschegg, Austria.
Keller, A., Münch, I., Wagner, W.:
Double-stage optimization of frame structures.
89th GAMM Annual Meeting, March 19-23, 2018, Munich, Germany.
Keller, A., Münch, I., Wagner, W.:
Double-stage optimization of frame structures.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 18, (2018), 1-2.
Wöhler, F.J., Münch, I., Wagner, W.:
Leakage current and polarization domains in ferroelectric nanogenerators for energy harvesting.
89th GAMM Annual Meeting, March 19-23, 2018, Munich, Germany.
Wöhler, F.J., Münch, I., Wagner, W.:
Leakage current and polarization domains in ferroelectric nanogenerators for energy harvesting,
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 18, (2018), 1-2.
Keller, A., Münch, I.:
Evolution of structures with homogeneous equivalent stress.
89th GAMM Annual Meeting, March 19-23, 2018, Munich, Germany.
Münch, I., Keller, A.:
Evolution of structures with homogeneous equivalent stress,
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 18, (2018), 1-2.
Herwig, T., Wagner, W.:
On a robust FE2 model for delamination analysis in composite structures,
Composite Structures 201 (2018) 597–607.
Münch, I., Gierden, C., Wagner, W.:
A phase field model for stress based evolution of load-bearing structures,
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 115, (2018), 1580–1600.
Gruttmann, F., Wagner, W.:
Influence of shear correction factors on eigenfrequencies of layered plates,
in: Altenbach, H., Jablonski, F., Müller, W.H., Naumenko, K., Schneider, P. (Eds.): Advances in Mechanics of Materials and Structural Analysis, Springer Advanced Structured Materials (80) 2018, 117-133, ISBN 978-3-319-70562-0.
Wagner, W., Gruttmann, F.:
Evolution of Failure Mechanisms in Composite Shell Structures Using Different Models,
in: J. Soric , P. Wriggers, O. Allix (Eds.): Multiscale Modeling of Heterogeneous Structures,
Springer Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics (86) 2018, 3-21, ISBN 978-3-319-65462-1.
Münch, I., Neff, P.:
Rotational invariance conditions in elasticity, gradient elasticity and its connection to isotropy.
Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 23(1), 3-42, 2018.
Münch, I., Balakrishna, A.R., Huber, J.E.:
Periodic boundary conditions for the simulation of 3D domain patterns in tetragonal ferroelectric material,
Archive of Applied Mechanics, published online 18.06.2018.
Münch, I.:
Structural optimization with Cosserat phase field modeling, Oberwolfach Reports 20,49-53, 2018,
Martin, R.J., Münch, I., Eidel, B., Neff, P.:
A brief history of logarithmic strain measures in nonlinear elasticity,
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 18, (2018), 1-2.
Münch, I.:
Evolution of load-bearing structures with phase field modeling, in: F.A. Radu, K. Kumar, I. Berre, J.M. Nordbotten, I.S. Pop (eds.) Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications – ENUMATH 2017, Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering 126, Springer, 2018,
Jarzebski, P., Wisniewski, K., Wagner, W.:
On Evaluation of Multithreaded FEM Code for Composite Shell Computations,
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 17, (2017), 315–316.
Münch, I.:
Nonlocal balance of angular momentum from stress field analysis,
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 17, (2017), 335–336.
Wöhler, F.J., Münch, I., Wagner, W.:
Electric leackage current density in phase field simulations for nanogenerator concepts.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 17, (2017), 575-576.
Keller, A., Münch, I., Wagner, W.:
Optimization of topology and shape by combining phase field modeling and discrete stochasitc algorithms,
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 17, (2017), 743–744.
Gruttmann, F., Knust, G., Wagner, W.:
Theory and Numerics of Layered Shells with Variationally Embedded Interlaminar Stresses,
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 326 (2017) 713–738, .
Läufer, J., Becker, V., Wagner, W.:
Gradient enhancement of a transversely isotropic continuum damage model.
Composite Structures, 181 (2017), 138-144,
Herwig, T., Wagner, W.:
Zur Behandlung von Vouten im Rahmen der FEM,
Der Bauingenieur, 92(10), (2017), 444-453.
Münch, I.:
Energy havesting with ferroelectric BaTiO3 thin films on conductive substrate,
BIT’s 7th Annual World Congress of Nano Science & Technology, Session 601:
Nanotechnology for Energy Harvesting & Conversion, 24-26.10.2017, Fukuoka, Japan.
Köpple, M., Wagner, W.:
A mixed refined zigzag theory for the modeling of layered plate structures,
in: W. Pietraszkiewicz, W. Witkowksi (eds.) 'Shell Structures: Theory and Applications', Vol 4, Taylor & Francis, London, 2017, 375-378, ISBN 978-1-138-05045-7.
Keller, A., Münch, I., Wagner, W.:
Optimization of topology and shape, combining phase field modelling and discrete stochastic algorithms.
7th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics for Young Scientists from Academia and Industry,
October 11-13, 2017, Stuttgart, Germany.
Wöhler, F., Münch, I. Wagner, W.:
Leakage currents in nanogenerator concepts in phase field simulations.
7th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics for Young Scientists from Academia and Industry,
October 11-13, 2017, Stuttgart, Germany.
Wöhler, F., Münch, I., Landis, C. M., Wagner, W.:
Phase field simulation with leakage currents for nanogenerator concepts.
3rd Seminar on Ferroic Functional Materials/13th International Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems in Piezoelectricity,
October 4-6, 2017, Kassel, Germany.
Fina, M., Wagner, W.:
Numerical Stability Analysis with Polymorphic Uncertainty Modelling under Consideration of Spatial Varying Imperfections, in M. Voigt, D. Proske, W. Graf, M. Beer, U. Häußler-Combe, P. Voigt (Eds.)
Proc. of the 15th International Probabilistic Workshop & 10th Dresdner Probabilistic Workshop,
2017 TUDpress, 61-71, ISBN: 978-3-95908-113-9, Dresden 27-29 September 2017, Germany.
Köpple, M., Wagner, W.:
On the calculation of transverse shear stresses of layered plates with a mixed refined zigzag theory,
International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures IASS 2017: Interfaces - Architecture. Engineering. Science.
September 25-28, 2017, Hamburg, Germany.
Münch, I.:
Evolution of load-bearing structures with phase field modeling,
ENUMATH, MS16 – Mixed and nonsmooth methods in numerical solid mechanics,
25-29.09.2017, Voss, Norway.
Münch, I., Wöhler, F.J.:
Nonlocal force equilibrium condition for non-simple materials.
Journal of Elasticity, 128(2), 245-264, 2017.
Ghiba, I.-D., Neff, P., Madeo, A., Münch, I.:
A variant of the linear isotropic indeterminate couple stress model with symmetric local force-stress,
symmetric nonlocal force-stress, symmetric couple-stresses and complete traction boundary conditions,
Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 22(6), 1221-1266, 2017.
Fina, M., Wagner, W.:
Einfluss von räumlich korrelierten, zufallsverteilten Imperfektionen auf das Beulverhalten dünnwandiger Tragwerke,
in G. Meschke, S. Freitag, C. Birk, J. Menkenhagen, T. Ricken (eds.) Baustatik-Baupraxis 13-Bochum, 2017, 545-552,
ISBN 978-3-00-055827-6.
Wöhler, F., Münch, I., Wagner, W.:
Leakage currents for nanogenerator concepts simulated in phase field models,
Joint Annual Meeting of GAMM and DMV,
March 6-10, 2017, Weimar, Germany.
Münch, I.:
Nonlocal balance of angular momentum from stress field Analysis,
Joint Annual Meeting of GAMM and DMV,
March 6-10, 2017, Weimar, Germany.
Keller, A., Münch, I., Wagner, W.:
Optimization of topology and shape combining phase-field modelling and discrete stochastic algorithms,
Joint Annual Meeting of GAMM and DMV,
March 6-10, 2017, Weimar, Germany.
Jarzębski, P., Wisniewski, K., Wagner, W.:
Assessment of a multi-threaded FEAP performance in composite shells computations,
Joint Annual Meeting of GAMM and DMV,
March 6-10, 2017, Weimar, Germany.
Wöhler, F.:
Leakage Currents in Nanogenerator Concept with thin Ferroelectric Films for Energy Harvesting,
Poster Session at Karlsruher Nano and Micro Facility KNMF, (2017).
Gruttmann, F., Wagner, W.:
Shear Correction Factors for Layered Plates and Shells,
Computational Mechanics, 59, (2017), 129 – 146.
Neff, P., Münch, I., Ghiba, I.-D., Madeo, A.:
On some fundamental misunderstandings in the indeterminate couple stress model.
A comment on the recent papers of A.R. Hadjesfandiari and G.F. Dargush.
Int. J. Solids Struct. 81, 233-243, 2016.
Neff, P., Münch, I., Martin, R.:
Rediscovering G.F. Becker's early axiomatic deduction of a multiaxial nonlinear stress-strain relation based on logarithmic strain. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 21(7), 856-911, 2016.
Neff, P., Ghiba, I.-D., Madeo, A., Münch, I.:
Null-Lagrangians and the indeterminate couple stress model.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 16, 379-380, 2016.
Münch, I., Wöhler, F.J.:
Extended balance of linear momentum from higher gradient stress field theory.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 16, 407-408, 2016.
Madeo, A., Ghiba, I.-D., Neff, P., Münch, I.:
A new view on boundary conditions in the Grioli-Koiter-Mindlin-Toupin indeterminate couple stress model.
European Journal of Mechanics – A / Solids 59, 294-322, 2016.
Krauß, M., Münch, I.:
Gradient based enhanced finite element formulation for diffuse phase interfaces.
PAMM, 16(1), (2016), 459 -460.
Wöhler, F., Münch, I.:
Extended balance of linear momentum from higher gradient stress field theory.
PAMM, 16(1), (2016), 407 -408.
Münch, I., Neff, P.:
On isotropy conditions in second gradient materials.
PAMM, 16(1), (2016), 735 -736.
Wagner, W., Gruttmann, F.:
Multiscale methods for shell and plate structures - theory and applications,
Special Workshop Multiscale Modeling of Heterogeneous Structures,
September 21-23, 2016, Dubrovnik.
Gruttmann, F., Knust, G., Wagner, W.:
Structural analysis of layered structures using a coupled global-local shell model,
Special Workshop Multiscale Modeling of Heterogeneous Structures,
September 21-23, 2016, Dubrovnik.
Köpple, M., Wagner, W.:
Numerical Multiscale Modeling of Laminated Glass Plates,
15th European Mechanics of Materials Conference,
September 7-9, 2016, Brussels.
Läufer, J., Wagner, W.:
On the influence of the FE-mesh-discretization on the damage simulation of laminated composite structures,
19th International Conference on Composite Structures,
September 05-09, 2016, Porto.
Wagner, W.:
Multiscale methods for shell and plate structures - theory and applications,
40th Solid Mechanics Conference,
August 29-September 2, 2016, Warsaw.
Madeo, A., Ghiba, I.-D., Neff, P., Münch, I.:
A new view on boundary conditions in the Grioli-Koiter-Mindlin-Toupin indeterminate couple stress model.
European Journal of Mechanics – A/Solids 59, 294-322, 2016.
Wagner, W., Gruttmann, F.:
Ein neues FE-Modell zur Berechnung von geschichteten Platten mit kontinuierlichen interlaminaren Schubspannungen,
Der Bauingenieur, 91(5), (2016), 179-187.
Gruttmann, F., Wagner, W., Knust, G.:
A Coupled Global–Local Shell Model with Continuous Interlaminar Shear Stresses,
Computational Mechanics, 57 (2016), 237–255.
Wagner, W., Gruttmann, F.:
An adaptive strategy for the multi-scale analysis of plate and
shell structures with elasto-plastic material behavior,
Technische Mechanik, 36(1-2), (2016), 132-144.
M. Krauß, I. Münch:
A selective enhanced FE-method for phase field modeling of ferroelectric materials,
Comput. Mech. 57(1): 105–122, 2016.
Balakrishna, A. R., Huber, J. E. , Münch, I.:
Periodic domain patterns in tetragonal ferroelectrics at the nanoscale - a phase-field study,
submitted to Physical Review B 93(17), no. 174120, 1-13, 2016.
Fina, M., Wagner, W.:
On the Impact of the Correlation Length on the Buckling Behaviour of Thin Walled Structures with Randomly Distributed Imperfections,
12 th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XII),
July 24-29, 2016, Seoul.
Herwig, T., Wagner, W.:
On the development of a coupled two-scale model for robust interlaminar damage analysis of composite structures,
12 th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XII),
July 24-29, 2016, Seoul.
Gruttmann, F., Wagner, W., Knust, G.:
A shell element for laminated structures with continuous interlaminar shear stresses,
European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering,
5-10.06.2016 Crete Island, Greece.
Münch, I.:
Spannungsfeldtheorie zur Erweiterung der mechanischen Bilanzsätze,
FE im Schnee, 28.02.-02.03.2016, Hirschegg, Austria.
Köpple, M.:
Untersuchungen zur numerischen Modellbildung von Verbundglasstrukturen mit PVB-Zwischenschicht,
FE im Schnee, 28.02.-02.03.2016, Hirschegg, Austria.
Läufer, J.:
Untersuchung des Netzeinflusses bei der Schädigungssimulation von Faserverbundlaminaten,
FE im Schnee, 28.02.-02.03.2016, Hirschegg, Austria.
Balakrishna, A. R., Huber, J. E., Münch, I.:
Study of periodic domain patterns in tetragonal ferroelectrics using phase-field methods,
Proceedings of the ASME 2015 Conference, SMASIS2015-8823, page 1-6, 2015.
Münch, I., Krauß, M.:
An enhanced finite element technique for phase field modeling,
Computational Mechanics 56(4), 691-708, 2015.
Münch, I.:
Error measurement and FEM benchmark for phase field modeling,
PAMM Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 15, 599-600 (2015)
Fina, M., Lauterbach, S., Wagner, W.:
Numerical Stochastic Buckling Analysis of Structures with Randomly Distributed Geometrical and Material Imperfections,
in E. Patelli & I. Kougioumtzoglou (Eds.) Proc. of the 13th International Probabilistic Workshop (IPW 2015),
Research Publishing, 310-321, ISBN: 978-981-09-7963-8, Liverpool-UK, 4-6 November 2015.
Fina, M., Lauterbach, S., Wagner, W.:
Numerische Stabilitätsuntersuchungen von Tragwerken mit stochastisch
verteilten geometrischen und materiellen Imperfektionen,
Forschungskolloquium Baustatik-Baupraxis 2015,
Döllnsee, 15.09.-18.09.2015.
Keller, A., Münch, I., Wagner, W.:
Optimierung von Stabtragwerken,
Forschungskolloquium Baustatik-Baupraxis 2015,
Döllnsee, 15.09.-18.09.2015.
Herwig, T., Wagner, W.:
Interlaminar Damage Analysis of Composite Structures using robust Interface Elements,
20th International Conference on Composite Materials,
July 19-24, 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Wagner, W., Gruttmann, F.:
On a homogenization method for heterogeneous shells and sandwich plates,
4th International Conference on Materials Modeling,
Berkeley, USA, May 27-29, 2015.
Neff, P., Ghiba, I.-D., Madeo, A., Münch, I.:
Correct traction boundary conditions in the indeterminate couple stress model,
Münch, I., Krauß, M.:
Error measurement and enhanced FEM for phase field modeling,
GAMM 86th Annual Meeting, 23.03.-27.03.2015, Lecce, Italy.
Klarmann, S., Wagner, W.:
Enhanced studies on a composite time integration scheme in linear and non-linear dynamics,
Computational Mechanics, 55(2015) 455–468,
Münch, I., Krauß, M., Wagner,W.:
Ferroelectric thin film nano-generators,
Department of Engineering Sciences,
October 10, 2014, Oxford, UK.
Wagner, W.:
On the Formulation of Interface Elements for Composite Shell Structures,
Multiscale Modeling of Interfaces and Advanced Solution Techniques,
French-German Summer School of the Graduate School MUSiC,
September 08 - 12, 2014, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany.
Wagner, W., Läufer, J.:
On the Influence of Shell-Kinematics on the Failure Behaviour of Composite Shell Structures,
in Z.L. Kowalewski (Ed.) 39th Solid Mechanics Conference SOLMECH,
September 01 - 05, 2014, Zakopane, Poland, 247-248, ISBN: 978-83-89687-89-0.
Krauß, M., Münch, I., Wagner, W.:
Interpolation Functions to reduce Mesh-Pinning Effects in FE Simulations with phase-field models for ferroelectric materials,
in Ragnar Larsson (ed.) Proceedings of 14th European Mechanics of Materials Conference EMMC14, p.S11:1:a,
Research report 2014:09, ISSN 1652-8549, Department of Applied Mechanics,
Chalmers University of Technology Gothenburg, Sweden 2014.
Münch, I., Krauß, M., Wagner,W.:
Ferroelectric thin film nano-generators, In E. Oñate, X. Oliver,
A. Huerta (Eds) 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI),
July 20 - 25, 2014, Barcelona, Spain, 3004, ISBN: 978-84-942844-7-2.
Münch, I.:
Optimization of Industrial Buildings – Enhanced Modeling and Application of an Evolution Method,
OPT-i International Conference on Engineering and Applied Sciences Optimization,
June 4 - 6, 2014, Kos, Greece.
Läufer, J., Wagner, W.:
Numerische Schädigungsmodellierung in Faserverbundstrukturen mit den Bruchkriterien von Hashin und Cuntze,
Forschungskolloquium FE im Schnee,
March 26-29, 2014, Hirschegg, Austria.
Münch, I.:
Optimierung gevouteter Rahmen im Stahlhallenbau,
Stahlbau, 83 (2014) Heft 3,
Münch, I.:
Optimierung von Industriehallen - ganzheitliches Vorgehen, verfeinerte Modellierung
und Evolutionsmethodik, in: K.-U. Bletzinger, N. Gebbeken (eds.)
"Tagungsband Baustatik-Baupraxis 12", München, 2014.
Wagner, W., Gruttmann, F.:
A consistently linearized multi-scale model for shell structures,
in: W. Pietraszkiewicz, J. Górski (eds.) 'Shell Structures: Theory and Applications',
Vol (3), Taylor& Francis, London, 2013, 453-456, ISBN 978-1-138-00082-7.
Krauß, M., Münch, I., Wagner, W.:
An enhanced Finite Element formulation for the phase field modeling of ferroelectric materials,
5th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics, Sept. 30th.-Oct. 2nd., 2013, Hamburg.
Fassin, M., Münch, I.:
Simulation of Magneto-Elastic Material,
5th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics, Sept. 30th.-Oct. 2nd., 2013, Hamburg.
Köpple, M., Wagner, W.:
Modelling of Photovoltaic Modules Including Viscoelastic Material Behaviour,
5th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics, Sept. 30th.-Oct. 2nd., 2013, Hamburg.
Herwig, T., Wagner, W.:
On the enhancement of cohesive zone elements for the delamination analysis of structures,
5th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics, Sept. 30th.-Oct. 2nd., 2013, Hamburg.
Lacher, S., Wagner, W.:
Yield Function for Toughened Epoxy Polymers used in Carbon Fiber Composites,
5th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics, Sept. 30th.-Oct. 2nd., 2013, Hamburg.
Läufer, J., Lauterbach, S., Wagner, W.:
Analysis and Finite Element Modelling of Composite Structures using the damage models of Hashin and Cuntze,
5th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics, Sept. 30th.-Oct. 2nd., 2013, Hamburg.
Krauß, M., Münch, I., Wagner, W.:
An Enhanced Finite Element Method for ferroelectric Materials,
GAMM activity group on Phase Field Modeling, August 2013, Frankfurt.
Läufer, J., Lauterbach, S., Wagner, W.:
Analysis and finite element modeling of composite structures using the damage models of Hashin and Cuntze,
submitted to Computational Mechanics.
Gerzen, N., Barthold, F.J., Klinkel, S., Wagner, W., Materna, D.:
Variational sensitivity analysis of a non-linear solid shell element,
Int. J. Num. Meth. Engng., 96 (2013) 29-42,
Klinkel, S., Wagner, W.:
Numerische Modellierung elektromechanisch gekoppelter Probleme in der Strukturmechanik,
GAMM-Rundbrief 2/2013, p 6-12, ISSN 2196-3789.
Herwig, T., Wagner, W.:
Development of robust Interface Elements for Delamination Analysis of Composite Structures,
in A. Ferreira (ed.) Proceedings ICCS17 - 17th International Conference on Composite Structures,
June 17-21, 2013, Porto, Portugal.
Hebel, J., Gruttmann, F., Wagner, W.:
Computational homogenisation of composite shell structures,
in A. Ferreira (ed.) Proceedings ICCS17 - 17th International Conference on Composite Structures,
June 17-21, 2013, Porto, Portugal.
Münch, I., Krauß, M., Wagner, W.:
Ferroelectric nano-generators within electric circuits - a coupled problem,
Euromech Colloquium 545, Frontiers in Finite-Deformation Electromechanics, May 22-24, 2013, Dortmund.
Klinkel, S., Zwecker, S., Büschel, A., Wagner, W.:
Numerical modelling of thin structures consisting of dielectric elastomers accounting for the time dependent behaviour,
Euromech Colloquium 545, Frontiers in Finite-Deformation Electromechanics, May 22-24, 2013, Dortmund.
Wagner, W., Gruttmann, F.:
Coupled multiscale finite element analysis of layered shell structures,
Proc. SAMPE Conference 2013, 6-9 May 2013, Long Beach, CA, USA, 753-764.
Legner, D., Wackerfuß, J., Klinkel, S., Wagner, W.:
An advanced finite element formulation for piezoelectric beam structures,
Computational Mechanics,
I. Münch, M. Krauß, W. Wagner:
Performance of a ferroelectric nano-generator within an electric circuit
Professor Dr. Hans Georg und Liselotte Hahn Workshop: Phase Field Modeling, 20-22.02.2013, Freudenstadt.
Büschel, A., Klinkel, S., Wagner, W.:
Dielectric Elastomers - Numerical Modeling of Nonlinear Visco-Electroelasticity,
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 93 (2013), 834-856,
Legner, D., Klinkel, S., Wagner, W.:
An advanced finite element formulation for piezoelectric shell structures,
Int. J. Num. Meth. Engng., 95 (2013) 901-927,
Köpple, M., Lauterbach, S., Wagner, W.:
Composite Repair of Through-Wall Defects in Pipework - Analytical and Numerical Models
with respect to ISO/TS 24817, Composite Structures, 95 (2013), 173-178,
Gruttmann, F., Wagner, W.:
A coupled two-scale shell model with applications to layered structures,
Int. J. Num. Meth. Engng., 94 (2013), 1233-1254,
Münch, I., Krauß, M., Wagner, W.:
Ferroelectric nanogenerators coupled to an electric circuit for energy harvesting.
1st Seminar on Ferroic Functional Materials, November 21-22, 2012, Dortmund, Germany.
Lacher, S., Wagner, W.:
Untersuchung der Schädigung in Faserverbundstrukturen unter Berücksichtigung der Mikrostruktur,
Forschungskolloquium Baustatik Baupraxis, 18.-21.09.2012, Wesel.
Lauterbach, S., Wagner, W.:
Wahrscheinlichkeitstheoretische Versagensanalyse von CFK-Strukturen,
Forschungskolloquium Baustatik-Baupraxis 2012, 18.-21.09.2012, Wesel.
Gruttmann, F., Wagner, W.:
Stability analysis of shells employing a coupled two-scale model,
6th European Congress on Computational Methods in applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2012),
September 10-14, 2012, Vienna, Austria.
Münch, I., Wagner, W.:
Design of multifunctional magnetic material.
10th World Conf. on Computational Mechanics, July 08-13, 2012, São Paulo, Brazil.
Krauß, M., Münch, I., Wagner, W.:
Interaction of ferroelectric nano-generators with a rectifier.
10th World Conf. on Computational Mechanics, July 08-13, 2012, São Paulo, Brazil.
Wagner, W., Gruttmann, F.:
A coupled two-scale model for the FE-analysis of shell structures,
10th World Conf. on Computational Mechanics, July 08-13, 2012, São Paulo, Brazil.
Münch, I., Krauß, M., Wagner, W., Kamlah, M.:
Ferroelectric nanogenerators coupled to an electric circuit for energy harvesting.
Smart Materials and Structures, 21 (2012) 115026 (8pp),
Wagner, W.:
Delamination analysis of structures with interface elements based on Hellinger-Reissner and Hu-Washizu principles,
Int. Conf. on Mechanics of Nano, Micro and Macro Composite Structures, June 18-20, 2012, Torino, Italy.
Wagner, W., Gruttmann, F.:
On the numerical analysis of shell structures with a consistently coupled two-scale model, in A. Ibrahimbegovic
7th Int. Conf. on Computational Mechanics for Spatial Structures,
April 02-04, 2012, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, ISBN 978-9958-638-30-5, p 389-390.
Hebel, J., Gruttmann, F., Wagner, W.:
Coupled multiscale finite element analysis of shell structures,
PAMM Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 12, 187-188 (2012),
Herwig, T., Münch, I.:
Der Weg ist das Ziel: Ein Bericht über studentische Softwareentwicklung im Bauingenieurwesen,
Forschungskolloquium FE im Schnee, March 28-31, 2012, Hirschegg, Austria.
Krauß, M., Münch, I., Wagner, W.:
Mehrphasensimulation eines ferroelektrischen Nanogenerators innerhalb einer Gleichrichterschaltung.
Forschungskolloquium FE im Schnee, March 28-31, 2012, Hirschegg, Austria.
Münch, I.:
Dichtheitsprüfung an Sicherheitsbehältern. 6. Fachseminar Dichtheitsprüfung und Lecksuche für Qualität und Sicherheit,
06.-07.03.2012, Dortmund.
Münch, I., Krauß, M., Wagner, W.:
Ferroelectric nano-generators for energy harvesting. 11th GAMM-Seminar on Microstructures,
20.-21.01.2012, Essen.
Balzani, C., Wagner, W., Wilckens, D., Degenhardt, R., Büsing, S.; Reimerdes, H.-G.:
Adhesive Joints in Composite Laminates - A Combined Numerical/Experimental Estimate of Critical Energy Release Rates,
Int. J. of Adhesion & Adhesives, 32 (2012) 23-38,
Krauß, M., Münch, I., Wagner, W., Landis, C.M.:
A nano-scaled ferroelectric energy harvester on substrate.
4th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics for Young Scientists from Academia and Industry,
31.08-02.09.2011, Dresden.
Münch, I., Wagner, W.:
Freie Softwareentwicklung im Bauingenieurwesen am Beispiel der Bemessung von Industriehallen,
Der Bauingenieur, 86 (2011), 400-408.
Wagner, W.:
On the Development of Robust Interface Elements for the Delamination Analysis of Structures based on Mixed FE-Methods,
ICCS16 - 16th International Conference on Composite Structures, June 28-30, 2011, Porto, Portugal.
Münch, I., Krauß, M., Landis, C.M., Huber, J.E.:
Domain engineered ferroelectric energy harvesters on a substrate.
Journal of Applied Physics 109(10), 104106 (2011) DOI:10.1063/1.3592172.
Krauß, M., Münch, I., Landis, C. M., Wagner W.:
Phase-field simulation and design of a ferroelectric nano-generator.
Proc. SPIE 7978, 797821 (2011) DOI:10.1117/12.880493.
Klinkel, S., Legner, D., Wagner, W.:
Advanced finite element formulations for modeling thin piezoelectric structures, PAMM Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 11, 31-34 (2011),
Büschel, A., Klinkel, S., Wagner, W.:
A Finite Element Formulation of a Viscoelastic Model for Dielectric Elastomers, PAMM Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 11, 359-360 (2011),
Münch, I., Neff, P., Wagner, W.:
A micropolar continuum model for large deformation caused by magnetic or electric fields,
SPIE Smart Structures/NDE, March 6-10, 2011, San Diego, USA.
Büschel, A., Klinkel, S., Wagner, W.:
A viscoelastic model for dielectric elastomers based on a continuum mechanical formulation and its finite element implementation,
Proceedings SPIE 7976, 79761R (2011),
Büschel, A., Klinkel, S., Wagner, W.:
Finite element implementation of a viscoelastic model for dielectric elastomers based on a continuum mechanical formulation,
SPIE Smart Structures/NDE, March 6-10, 2011, San Diego, USA.
Münch, I.:
Optimierte Bemessung von Pfettendächern im Industriehallenbau,
in G. Hofstetter, Y. Theiner, G. Beer, C. Dünser (eds.)
Baustatik-Baupraxis 11-Innsbruck, 2011, 289-296, ISBN 978-3-85125-115-9.
Wagner, W.:
Robuste FE-Modellierung von Tragwerken-Anmerkungen und Probleme,
in G. Hofstetter, Y. Theiner, G. Beer, C. Dünser (eds.)
Baustatik-Baupraxis 11-Innsbruck, 2011, 413-422, ISBN 978-3-85125-115-9.
Wagner, W., Schulz, K., Klinkel, S.:
An Electro-Mechanically Coupled FE-Formulation for Piezoelectric Shells,
in Mueller-Hoeppe, Dana; Loehnert, Stefan; Reese, Stefanie (Eds.)
Recent Developments and Innovative Applications in Computational Mechanics,
Springer 2011, 115-123, ISBN: 978-3-642-17483-4.
Lapusta, Y., Labesse-Jied, F., Samborskaya, A., Wagner, W.:
On the Effects of Interacting Anisotropic Fibers on the Microbuckling in a Composite, Int. J. of Fracture, 167 (2011), 103-110,
Schulz, K., Klinkel, S., Wagner, W.:
A Finite element formulation for piezoelectric shell structures considering geometrical and material nonlinearities,
Int. J. Num. Meth. in Engng., 87 (2011), 491-520.
Münch, I., Neff P., Wagner W.:
Transversely isotropic material: nonlinear Cosserat versus classical approach.
Continuum Mech. Thermodyn. 23(1), S. 27-34, 2011.
Büschel, A., Klinkel, S., Wagner, W.:
Numerical Modeling of Finite Nonlinear ViscoElectroelasticity, PAMM Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 10, 363–364 (2010),
Legner, D., Wackerfuß, J., Klinkel, S., Wagner, W.:
On a concept to avoid electromechanical locking in a piezoelectric finite beam element,
PAMM Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 10, 185–186 (2010),
Wagner, W., Balzani, C.:
Prediction of the Postbuckling Response of Composite Airframe Panels Including Ply Failure Engineering Fracture Mechanics,
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 77 (2010) 3648-3657.
Wagner, W.:
Robuste FE-Modellierung von Tragwerken - Anmerkungen und Praxisbeipiele,
14. Dresdner Baustatik-Seminar "Zuverlässigkeit und Robustheit von Tragwerken", 5-26,
ISSN 1615-9705 Inst. f. Statik und Dynamik der Tragwerke, TU Dresden, 2010.
Balzani, C., Wagner, W.:
Numerical Treatment of Damage Propagation in Axially Compressed Composite Airframe Panels,
Int. Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics (10)_4 (2010) 683-703.
Wisniewski, K., Wagner, W., Gruttmann, F., Turska, E.:
Four-Node Hu-Washizu Elements Based on Skew Coordinates and Contravariant Assumed Strain,
Computers and structures 88 (2010) 1278-1284.
Münch, I., Neff, P.:
A nonlinear micropolar continuum theory for initial plasticity, in Zingoni, A. (ed.):
Advances and Trends in Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation,
CRC Press/Balkema, ISBN 978-0-415-58472-2, p. 269-272, (2010).
Wagner, W., Balzani, C., Lauterbach, S.:
FE-Modeling of Stability-Induced Coupled Ply Failure and Delamination Effects in Skin-Stringer Stiffened CFRP-Panels,
IV European Conference on Computational Mechanics, Paris, France, May 16-21, 2010.
Balzani, C., Wagner, W.:
Semi-Numerical Estimation of Critical Energy Release Rates for Adhesive Joints in Composite Laminates,
IV European Conference on Computational Mechanics, Paris, France, May 16-21, 2010.
Klinkel, S., Legner, D., Wagner, W.:
The treatment of electromechanical locking in a finite shell element for piezoelectric structures,
IV European Conference on Computational Mechanics, Paris, France, May 16-21, 2010.
Neff, P., Jeong, J., Münch, I., Ramezani, H.:
Linear Cosserat Elasticity, Conformal Curvature and Bounded Stiffness, in Maugin, G.A., Metrikine V.A. (ed.):
Mechanics of Generalized Continua. One Hundred Hears after the Cosserats.
Series: Advances in Mechanics and Mathematics (21) 55-63, Springer, Berlin, 2010.
Münch, I., Huber, J. E.:
Evolution of ferroelectric domain structures on the nanoscale, Seminar on Multiscale Methods for Interface Coupling,
Hannover, Germany, 29.04.2010.
Büschel, A., Klinkel, S., Wagner, W.:
Numerical Modeling of Finite Nonlinear ViscoElectroelasticity, PAMM Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 10, 363-364 (2010),
Wagner, W., Balzani, C.:
Finite Element Modeling of Stringer-Stiffened Fiber Reinforced Polymer Structures
in: M. Kuczma and K. Wilmanski (eds.): Computer Methods in Mechanics - Lectures of the CMM 2009, 505-523,
Springer, 2010, ISBN 978-3-642-05240-8.
Lauterbach, S., Orifici, A.C., Wagner, W., Balzani, C., Abramovich, H., Thomson, R.:
Damage sensitivity of axially loaded stringer-stiffened curved CFRP panels,
composites science and Technology 70 (2010) 240-248,
Münch, I., Huber, J. E.:
Evolution of ferroelectric domain structures on the nanoscale, University of Kaiserslautern,
Kaiserslautern, Germany, 17.02.2010.
Münch, I., Huber, J. E.:
Mehrphasensimulation ferroelektrischer Strukturen auf Nanoebene, Seminar FE im Schnee 12,
Hirschegg, Austria, 20. -23.01.2010.
Büschel, A., Klinkel, S., Wagner, W.:
Ein viskoelastisches konstitutives Modell für elektroaktive Polymere, 20.-23.01.2010, Hirschegg, Österreich.
Huber, J., Münch, I.:
Phase field modelling of microstructure evolution, Engineering Department Micromechanics Seminars,
University of Cambridge (UK), January 15th, 2010.
Münch, I.:
Entwurf und Bau auf Nanoebene - Erschließung ferroelektrischer Strukturen durch Mehrphasensimulation,
in Linke, H. J. (ed.): 1. Darmstädter Ingenieurkongress – Bau und Umwelt, 14-15 September 2009,
Technische Universität Darmstadt, ISBN 978-3-941799-00-4, p. 1-16.
Neff, P., Münch, I.:
Simple shear in nonlinear Cosserat elasticity: bifurcation and induced micro-structure.
Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 21 (2009), 195-221.
Wagner, W.:
Modeling of Failure Mechanisms in Laminated Composite Shell Structures,
in: W. Pietraszkiewicz, I. Kreja (eds) 'Shell Structures: Theory and Applications',
Vol(2), Taylor & Francis, London, 25-34, ISBN 978-0-415-54883-0.
Wagner, W., Balzani, C., Lauterbach, S.:
Finite-Element-modeling of coupled skin-stringer debonding and ply failure of stiffened CFRP-panels,
in I. Smojver, J. Soric (eds.) Book of Abstracts of the 6th Int.Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics (ICCSM),
Croatian Society of Mechanics, Zagreb, 39-40, ISBN 978-953-7539-10-8.
Büschel, A., Klinkel, S., Wagner, W.:
Constitutive Modeling of Electroactive Polymers and its Finite Element Implementation,
3rd GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics for Young Scientists from Academia and Industry,
October 21-23, 2009, Hannover, Germany.
Legner, D., Klinkel, S., Wagner, W.:
On the treatment of electromechanical locking effects in a piezoelectric finite shell element,
3rd GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics for Young Scientists from Academia and Industry,
October 21-23, 2009, Hannover, Germany.
Schulz, K., Klinkel, S., Wagner, W.:
A Mixed Piezoelectric Shell Formulation for Geometrically and Materially Nonlinear Applications,
3rd GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics for Young Scientists from Academia and Industry,
October 21-23, 2009, Hannover, Germany.
Lauterbach, S., Balzani, C., Wagner, W.:
Analysis of Composite Failure Mechanism in Shell-Like Laminates Using the Puck Criteria,
3rd GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics for Young Scientists from Academia and Industry,
October 21-23, 2009, Hannover, Germany.
Lacher, S., Balzani, C., Wagner, W.:
Numerical Simulation of the Microbond Test in Fibre Reinforced Polymers,
3rd GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics for Young Scientists from Academia and Industry,
October 21-23, 2009, Hannover, Germany.
Büschel, A., Klinkel, S., Wagner, W.:
Electroactive Polymers – Constitutive Modeling and its Finite Element Implementation,
Forschungskolloquium Baustatik - Baupraxis, October 15-18, 2009, Meisdorf, Germany.
Legner, D., Klinkel, S., Wagner, W.:
A piezoelectric finite shell element avoiding electromechanical locking effects by using well balanced approximation functions.
Forschungskolloquium Baustatik - Baupraxis, October 15-18, 2009, Meisdorf, Germany.
Münch, I., Huber, J. E.:
3D ferroelectric domain structures on the nanoscale,
7th Euromech Solid Mechanics Conference, September 7-11, 2009, Lissabon, Portugal.
Neff, P., Jeong, J., Münch, I., Ramezani, H.:
Mean field modeling of isotropic random Cauchy elasticity,
Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 60 (2009), 479-497,
Wagner, W.:
FE-Stability analysis of damaged composite shell structures, in B.H.V.Topping, L.F.Costa Neves, R.C.Barros (eds.)
Proceedings of the 12th Int. Conf. on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing,
Civil-Comp Proceedings 91,203-203, ISBN 978-1-905088-30-0.
Tsou, N., Münch, I., Huber, J.E.:
Low energy periodic microstructure in ferroelectric single crystals, IUTAM Symposium on Multiscale Modelling of Fatigue,
Damage and Fracture in Smart Materials Systems, September 1-4, 2009, Freiberg, Germany.
Münch, I., Huber, J.E.:
A hexadomain vortex in tetragonal ferroelectrics, Applied Physics Letters 95, 022913 (2009),
Münch, I., Neff, P., Wagner, W.:
Investigation of transversly isotropic material: Cosserat versus classical approach,
International Conference on the legacy of Théorie des Corps Déformables
by Eugène and François Cosserat in the centenary of its publication, July 15-17, 2009, Paris, France.
Wagner, W., Balzani, C.:
FE-Modeling of Damage Propagation in Axially Compressed Composite Airframe Panels,
Proc. 12th Int. Conf. on Fracture, July 12-17, 2009, Ottawa, Canada, Fin01346.pdf 1-8.
Schürg, M., Wagner, W., Gruttmann, F.:
An enhanced FSDT model for the calculation of interlaminar shear stresses in composite plate structures,
Computational Mechanics, 44 (2009) 765-776, DOI 10.1007/s00466-009-0410-7.
Wagner, W:
FE-Modeling of Fiber Reinforced Polymer Structures, in M. Kuczma et al. (eds.) Short Papers of the
18th Int. Conf. on Computer Methods in Mechanics 2009, 18-21.05, 2009, Zielona Góra, Poland,
p. 99-100, ISBN 978-83-7481-245-0.
Münch, I., Huber, J.E.:
Ferroelectric flux closures simulated using a 3-D phase field model, SPIE Smart Structures/NDE,
March 8-12, 2009, San Diego, USA.
Klinkel, S., Legner, D.:
A finite element formulation for piezoelectric shells with well balanced approximation functions,
SPIE Smart Structures/NDE, March 8-12, 2009, San Diego, USA.
Münch, I., Huber, J. E.:
Evolution of ferroelectric domain structures on the nanoscale, Department of Civil Engineering,
University of Nottingham, February 19th 2009, Nottingham, United Kingdom.
Lauterbach, S., Balzani, C., Wagner, W.:
Failure Analysis on Shell-like Composite Laminates Using the Puck Criteria, PAMM Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 9, 231-232 (2009),
Legner, D., Klinkel, S., Wagner, W.:
A finite element model for laminated piezoelectric shell structures, PAMM Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 9, 363-364 (2009),
Münch, I.:
Microstructure simulation using a phase field model, Department of Engineering Science,
University of Oxford, January 19th 2009, Oxford, United Kingdom.
Münch, I., Wagner, W., Neff, P.:
Theory and FE-analysis for structures with large deformation under magnetic loading,
Computational Mechanics, 44 (2009), 93-102.
Linnemann, K., Klinkel, S., Wagner, W.:
A constitutive model for magnetostrictive and piezoelectric materials,
International Journal of Solids and Structures, 46 (2009), 1149-1166,
Harich, J., Lapusta, Y., Wagner, W.:
3D FE-Modeling of Surface and Anisotropy Effects During Microbuckling in Fiber Composites,
Composite Structures, 89 (2009), 551-555.
Lauterbach, S., Orifici, A.C., Thomson, R.S., Abramovich, H., Wagner, W., Balzani, C.:
Investigations of the Postbuckling Damage Criticality in Multi-Stiffened Composite Airframe Panels,
21st International Workshop Research in Mechanics of Composites 2008,
Dec. 1-3, 2008, Bad Herrenalb, Germany.
Lapusta, Y., Harich, J., Wagner, W.:
Three-dimensional FE-model for fiber interaction effects during microbuckling in composites with isotropic and anisotropic fibers,
Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, 24 (2008), 2206-2215.
Wagner, W.:
Eine Brücke zwischen Praxis und Forschung, Der Prüfingenieur 33 10(2008), 12-13.
Klinkel, S.:
Computational Modeling of Smart Structures and Materials,
German Association for Computational Mechanics GACM Report 5, 12-18, 2008.
Schulz, K., Klinkel, S., Wagner, W.:
Advanced Finite Element Formulation for Piezoelectric Smart Shell Structures under Consideration of Geometrically Nonlinearity,
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Okt 31-Nov 6, 2008, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
Klinkel, S., Wagner, W.:
A piezoelectric solid shell element accounting for material and geometrical nonlinearities,
36th Solid Mechanics Conference, Gdansk, Poland, September 9-12, 2008.
Balzani, C., Wagner, W.:
Numerical Treatment of Damage Propagation in Axially Compressed Composite Airframe Panels,
2nd Int. Conf. on Buckling and Postbuckling Behaviour of Composite Laminated Shell Structures,
3-5 Sept. 2008, Braunschweig.
Orifici, A.C., Lauterbach, S., Abramovich, H., Thomson, R.S., Wagner, W., Balzani, C.:
Analysis of Damage Sensititivity and Collapse in Postbuckling Fibre-Reinforced Multi-Stiffener Panels,
2nd Int. Conf. on Buckling and Postbuckling Behaviour of Composite Laminated Shell Structures,
3-5 Sept. 2008, Braunschweig.
Wang, H., Büschel, A., Degenhardt, R., Wagner, W., Sun, X.:
Empirical formula for the critical perturbation load,
2nd Int. Conf. on Buckling and Postbuckling Behaviour of Composite Laminated Shell Structures,
3-5 Sept. 2008, Braunschweig.
Wagner, W., Balzani, C.:
Failure Analysis in Postbuckled Laminated Composite Shell Structures,
8th. World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM8),
5th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineeering
(ECCOMAS 2008) June 30-July 5, 2008, Venice, Italy.
Schulz, K., Klinkel, S.; Wagner, W.:
A Geometrically Nonlinear Finite Shell Element for the Analysis ofPiezoelectric Smart Structures,
8th. World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM8), 5th European Congress on Computational
Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineeering (ECCOMAS 2008) June 30-July 5, 2008, Venice, Italy.
Legner, D., Klinkel, S., Wagner, W.:
A consistent finite element approximation for piezoelectric shell structures,
6th International Conference on Computation of Shell & Spatial Structures,
May 28-31, 2008, Ithaca, New York, USA.
Münch, I., Wagner, W., Neff, P.:
Physical applications for a nonlinear micropolar formulation on shells,
6th International Conference on Computation of Shell & Spatial Structures,
May 28-31, 2008, Ithaca, New York, USA.
Wagner, W.(ed.):
GACM-Report 5, German Association for Computational Mechanics, Mai 2008.
Wagner, W.:
Brücke zwischen Praxis und Forschung: Fachtagungen „Baustatik – Baupraxis", Bautechnik, 85 (2008), 349-355.
Wüst, J., Wagner, W.:
Systematic prediction of yield-line configurations for arbitrary polygonal plates,
Engineering Structures, 30 (2008), 2081–2093, doi:10.1016/j.engstruct. 2008.01.005.
Butz, A., Klinkel, S., Wagner, W.:
A geometrically and materially non-linear piezoelectric three-dimensional-beam finite element formulation including warping effects,
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 76 (2008) 601-635.
Klinkel, S., Gruttmann, F., Wagner, W.:
A mixed shell formulation accounting for thickness strains and finite strain 3d-material models,
Int. J. Num. Meth. Engng., 74 (2008), p. 945–970, DOI: 10.1002/nme.2199.
Wagner, W., Balzani, C.:
Simulation of Delamination in Stringer Stiffened Fiber-Reinforced Composite Shells,
Computers & Structures, 86 (2008), p 930-939, doi:10.1016/j.compstruc. 2007.04.018.
Klinkel, S., Linnemann, K.:
A phenomenological constitutive model for magnetostrictive materials and ferroelectric ceramics,
79th GAMM Annual Meeting, March 31 - April 4, 2008, Bremen.
Legner, D., Klinkel, S., Wagner, W.:
A finite shell element with well balanced approximation functions for piezoelectric coupling,
PAMM Proc. Appl. Mech. 8, 10303-10304 (2008),
Balzani, C., Wagner, W.:
Simulation of Buckling-Induced Failure in Composite Laminates, PAMM Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 8, 10259-10260 (2008),
Schulz, K., Klinkel, S., Wagner, W.:
A Piezoelectric Finite Shell Element for the Geometrically Nonlinear Analysis of Sensors,
PAMM Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 8, 10337-10338 (2008),
Münch, I., Wagner, W., Neff, P.:
Microstructural behaviour of transversal isotropic material, PAMM Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 8, 10559-10560 (2008),
Schulz, K., Klinkel, S.:
A Geometrically Nonlinear Mixed Finite Element Formulation for the Simulation of Piezoelectric Shell Structures,
SPIE, March 9-13, 2008, San Diego, California, USA.
Balzani, C., Wagner, W.:
An Interface Element for the Simulation of Delamination in Uni-Directional Fiber-Reinforced Composite Laminates,
J. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 75 (2008), p. 2597-2615. DOI 10.1016/j.engfracmech.2007.03.013.
Wagner, W. (ed.):
Baustatik-Baupraxis 10, Institut für Baustatik, Universität Karlsruhe (TH), Karlsruhe, ISBN 978-3-935322-14-0.
Wüst, J., Wagner, W.:
Ein Algorithmus zur Bestimmung und Optimierung von Fließlinienfiguren für beliebige Polygonplatten,
Bautechnik, (85) 2008, S. 161-174.
Klinkel, S., Wagner, W.:
A piezoelectric solid shell element based on a mixed variational formulation for geometrically linear and nonlinear applications,
Computers and Structures 86 (2008) p. 38-46.
Büschel, A., Wagner, W.:
Ein neues Bemessungskonzept für Kreiszylinderschalen, 06.-09.02.2008, Hirschegg, Österreich.
Neff, P., Münch, I.:
Curl bounds Grad on SO(3). ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations 14(1), 148-159 (2007),
Soric, J., Gruttmann, F., Wagner, W. (eds.):
Advanced Numerical Analysis of Shell-like Structures, Proceedings of Special Workshop, September 26-28, 2007, Croatian Society of Mechanics, Zagreb, ISBN: 978-953-7539-00-9.
Balzani, C., Wagner, W.:
Simulation of Skin-Stiffener Debonding in Stiffened Carbon/Epoxy Panels, submitted 2007 for publication in the Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics.
Neff, P., Fischle, A., Münch, I.:
Symmetric Cauchy stresses do not imply symmetric Biot strains in weak formulations of isotropic hyperelasticity with rotational degrees of freedom, Acta Mechanica, Received 19 July 2007; Accepted 20 August 2007, Published online 30 October 2007.
Wagner, W.:
Simulation and FE-Modellierung of global and local effects in thin-walled shell structures of composite material, NAFEMS Seminar: Simulating Composite Materials and Structures, November 6-7, 2007 Bad Kisssingen, Germany, ISBN 978-1-874376-28-6.
Brugger, A., Wagner, W.:
Delamination Analysis with Cohesive Interface Elements in Finite Element Applications, 2nd GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics for Young Scientists from Academia and Industry, Book of Abstracts 186, October 10-12, 2007, Munich, Germany.
Balzani, C., Wagner, W.:
Postbuckling Damage Simulation in Stiffened CFRP Panels, 2nd GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics for Young Scientists from Academia and Industry, Book of Abstracts 184, October 10-12, 2007, Munich.
Schulz, K., Klinkel, S.:
A Finite Element Formulation for Piezoelectric Shells Using a Mixed Multi-field Variational Formulation, 2nd GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics for Young Scientists from Academia and Industry, Book of Abstracts 113, München, 10.-12.10.2007.
Schulz, K., Klinkel, S., Wagner, W.:
A Piezoelectric Shell Element based on a Mixed Multi-field Variational Formulation,
in Soric, J., Gruttmann, F., Wagner, W., (eds.): Advanced Numerical Analysis of Shell-like Structures,
Proceedings of Special Workshop, September 26-28, 2007, Croatian Society of Mechanics, Zagreb,
ISBN: 978-9539-7539-00-9, p. 259-268.
Münch, I., Wagner, W., Neff, P.:
Physical aspects of a nonlinear Cosserat formulation and some applications for shells,
in Soric, J., Gruttmann, F., Wagner, W. (eds.): Advanced Numerical Analysis of Shell-like Structures, Proceedings of Special Workshop, September 26-28, 2007, Croatian Society of Mechanics, Zagreb, ISBN:978-9539-7539-00-9, p. 219-226.
Klinkel, S.:
A nonlinear Piezoelectric Solid Shell Finite Element based on a Mixed Formulation,
in Soric, J., Gruttmann, F., Wagner, W. (eds.): Advanced Numerical Analysis of Shell-like Structures, Proceedings of Special Workshop, September 26-28, 2007, Croatian Society of Mechanics, Zagreb, ISBN:978-9539-7539-00-9, p. 187-194.
Wagner, W.:
FE-Modeling of Fiber Reinforced Polymer Structures,
in Soric, J., Gruttmann, F., Wagner, W. (eds.): Advanced Numerical Analysis of Shell-like Structures, Proceedings of Special Workshop, September 26-28, 2007, Croatian Society of Mechanics, Zagreb, ISBN:978-9539-7539-00-9, p.113-133.
Balzani, C., Wagner, W.:
Simulation of skin-stiffener debonding in stiffened curves carbon/epoxy panels, PAMM · Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 7, 4060019–4060020 (2007),
Schulz, K., Klinkel, S.:
A Mixed Finite Element Formulation for Piezoelectric Shells, PAMM · Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 7, 4040027–4040028 (2007) / DOI 10.1002/pamm.200700431.
Klinkel, S., Butz A, Wagner, W.:
A Piezoelectric 3D-Beam Finite Element Formulation Considering Geometrical and Material Nonlinearity, 9th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics, 23.-26.07.2007 San Francisco, USA.
Wagner, W., Klinkel, S., Gruttmann, F.:
A computational formulation for thin shell problems with arbitrary 3d-material models.
9th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics, San Francisco,USA, July, 23-26, 2007.
Münch, I., Wagner, W., Neff, P.:
Initial Plasticity on the Microscale with a Nonlinear FE Cosserat Formulation, 9th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics, 23.-26.07.2007, San Francisco, USA.
Klinkel, S.:
A Constitutive Model for Hysteresis Effects in Ferroelectric Ceramics, Proceedings of the First Seminar on the Mechanics of Multifunctional Materials, 07.-10.05.2007, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, pp. 64-68.
Linnemann, K., Klinkel, S.:
A Nonlinear Constitutive Model for Magnetostrictive Materials, Proceedings of the First Seminar on the Mechanics of Multifunctional Materials, 07.-10.05.2007, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, pp. 87-90.
Wagner, W., Balzani, C.:
Finite Element Simulation of Skin-Stiffener Debonding in curved panels of fiber-reinforced composite laminates, Proceedings of the 12th Australian International Aerospace Congress, Melbourne, March 19-22,2007, pp. 1-12, ISBN 978-0-9803215-0-0.
Klinkel, S., Wagner, W.:
A Thermodynamic Consistent Material Model for Hysteresis Effects in Ferroelectric Ceramics and its Finite Element Implementation, Proceedings of SPIE Smart Structures and Materials, 14th International Symposium, San Diego CA USA, 18.–22.03.2007, Volume 6526, p. 65260C-1-10, ISBN 978-0-8194-6647-1.
Lapusta, Y., Harich, J., Wagner, W.:
Micromechanical formulation and 3D finite element modeling of microinstabilities in composites, Computational Materials Science 38 (2007) 692-696.
Wagner, W., Balzani, C.:
Finite Element Simulation of Skin-Stiffener Debonding in Curved Fiber-Reinforced Shell Structures, International Workshop Research in Mechanics of Composites 2006, Nov. 26-29, 2006, Bad Herrenalb, Germany
Wagner, W., Schütt, J.:
zur 3D-Versagensmodellierung von Betontragwerken, 10. Dresdner Baustatikseminar: Neue Bauweisen-Trends in Statik und Dynamik, 2006, ISSN 1615-9705, p. 589-598
Balzani, C., Wagner, W.:
Delamination Analysis of UD Composites Using Interface Elements, PAMM – Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 6, 151-152 (2006),
Linnemann, K., Klinkel, S.:
A Constitutive Model for Magnetostrictive Materials,PAMM – Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 6, 393–394 (2006), DOI 10.1002/pamm.200610177, Link zu paper.
Klinkel, S.:
A 1D constitutive law for hysteresis effects in piezoceramics, PAMM - Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 6, 449–450 (2006), DOI 10.1002/pamm.200610205, Link zu paper.
Münch, I., Wagner, W., Neff, P.:
Constitutive modeling and FEM for a nonlinear Cosserat continuum, PAMM - Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 6, 499–500 (2006),
Münch, I., Neff, P.:
Curl bounds Grad on SO(3), PAMM · Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 6, 501–502 (2006), DOI 10.1002/pamm.200610231, Link zu paper.
Klinkel, S., Wagner, W.:
A macroscopic constitutive law for ferroelastic and ferroelectric hysteresis effects in ferroelectric ceramics, International Conference on Multifield Problems, October 4-6, 2006, Stuttgart.
Klinkel, S.:
A phenomenological constitutive model for ferroelastic and ferroelectric hysteresis effects in ferroelectric ceramics, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 43(22-23), pp. 7197 - 7222, 2006
Gruttmann, F., Wagner, W.:
Structural analysis of composite laminates using a mixed hybrid shell element, Comp. Mech. 37, 479-497 (2006).
Münch I., Wagner, W., Neff, P.:
Konstitutive Modellierung und FEM eines nichtlinearen Cosserat Kontinuums mit physikalischer Deutung, Forschungskolloquium Baustatik - Baupraxis, 19-22. September 2006 Universitätszentrum Obergurgl.
Balzani, C., Wagner, W.:
Analysis of delamination and skin-stringer separation in uni-directional carbon-fiber-reinforced shell structures, CDCM06-Conference on Damage in Composite Materials: Simulation and Non-Destructive Testing, Sept. 18.-19.09.2006, Stuttgart, Germany.
Münch, I., Wagner, W., Neff, P.:
Constitutive modeling and finite element analysis for a nonlinear micropolar continuum, 6th European Solid Mechanics Conference (ESMC) 2006, August 28-September 01, 2006, Budapest, Hungary, CD: paper\s23\347_317.pdf, 1-2.
Gruttmann, F., Wagner, W.:
On Efficient Nonlinear FE-Formulations for Thin Shells, 7th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Los Angeles, July 16-22,2006.
Wagner, W., Balzani, C.:
Modeling of Skin-Stringer Separation with Cohesive Zone Elements in Fiber-Reinforced Composite Shells, 7th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Los Angeles, USA, July 16-22, 2006.
Klinkel, S., Wagner, W.:
A thermodynamic consistent constitutive model for ferroelastic and ferroelectric hysteresis effects in ferroelectric ceramics and its finite element implementation 7th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Los Angeles, July 16-22,2006.
Klinkel, S., Wagner, W.:
A geometrically non-linear piezoelectric solid shell element based on a mixed multi-field variational formulation, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 65(3), pp. 349-382, 2006.
Wagner, W., Balzani, C.:
Simulation of Delamination in Stringer Stiffened Fiber-Reinforced Composite Shells, III. European Conference on Computational Solid and Structural Mechanics, Lisbon, 5.-8.06.2006, CD: papers\1204.pdf, 1-16.
Klinkel, S.:
A thermodynamic consistent 1D model for ferroelastic and ferroelectric hysteresis effects in piezoceramics, Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, 22(7), pp. 727-739, 2006
Klinkel, S., Gruttmann, F., Wagner, W.:
A Robust Non-Linear Solid Shell Element Based on a Mixed Variational Formulation, Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engng. (195) 2006, 179-201
Neff, P., Münch, I.:
Simple Glide for a Nonlinear Cosserat Model: Analytical and Computational Results with Induced Microstructure, September 2005, Preprint 2414
Neff, P., Münch, I.:
Constitutive Parameters for a Nonlinear Cosserat Model. A numerical study. Oberwolfach Reports, 52/2005, EMS Publ. House Zürich, volume 2, p. 2994
Klinkel S., Linnemann K., Wagner W.:
A 1D constitutive law for ferroelastic and ferroelectric hysteresis effects in piezoceramics, ICCES International Conference on Computational and ExperimantalEngineering and Sciences, 1.-6.12 Chennai, India, 2005
Wagner, W., Gruttmann, F.:
A nonlinear Hu-Washizu variational formulation for shells and associated quadrilateral finite element, in: W. Pietraszkiewicz, C. Szymczak (eds.), Shell Structures Theory and Application, 511-514, Taylor & Francis/Balkema, Leiden 2005.
Gruttmann, F., Wagner W.:
Finite Element Formulations for Geometrical and Material Nonlinear Shells Based on a HU-WASHIZU Functional, in: D.R.J. Owen, E. Oñate, B. Suàrez (eds.), Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Computational Plasticity: Fundamentals and Applications, Barcelona, 630-633, 2005.
Klinkel, S., Wagner W.:
A nonlinear piezoelectric mixed solid shell finite element formulation, IASS-IACM Fifth Int. Colloqium on Computation of Shell & Spatial Structures, Salzburg, Austria, 1-4.6. 2005, CD of Extended Abstracts 1-4
Gruttmann, F., Wagner W.:
A four-node Mindlin-Reissner shell element with mixed hybrid interpolation, IASS-IACM Fifth Int. Colloqium on Computation of Shell & Spatial Structures, Salzburg, Austria, 1-4.6. 2005, CD of Extended Abstracts 1-4
Gruttmann, F., Wagner W.:
Finite-Element-Modellierungen von Faserverbundstrukturen, 11. Nationales Symposium SAMPE Deutschland e.V. 2005. 'Faser-Kunststoff-Verbunde - neue Freiheitsgrade in der Konstruktion', Darmstadt, 3.-4.03.2005, p. 1-14.
Wagner, W.:
Formulation of robust shell elements on the basis of mixed variational principles, Gemischte und Nicht-Standard FE-Methoden mit Anwendungen, Oberwolfach Reports, 5/2005, EMS Publ. House Zürich, p. 303-306.
Balzani, C., Wagner, W.:
A Simple Model for the Simulation of Delamination in Fibre-Reinforced Composite Laminates under Mixed-Mode Loading Conditions, PAMM - Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 5, 325-326, 2005, DOI 10.2002/pamm.200510139.
Münch, I., Wagner, W., Neff, P.:
Constitutive Modeling and Finite Element Analysis of a Nonlinear Micropolar Continuum, Materials Research Society MRS Spring-Meeting, 28.3-1.4.2005, San Francisco.
Lapusta, Y., Wagner, W.:
Effects of fiber anisotropy on the microbuckling loads for a fiber composite, International Journal of Fracture, 131(4), L53–59 (2005).
Linnemann, K., Klinkel, S.:
A Mixed Finite Element Formulation for Piezoelectric Materials, PAMM (Proc. Appl. Math. Mech.) 5, 425-426 (2005)
Butz, A., Klinkel, S.:
A Finite Element Formulation for the Nonlinear Analysis of Piezoelectric Three-Dimensional Beam Structures PAMM (Proc. Appl. Math. Mech.) 5, 383-384 (2005).
Wagner, W., Gruttmann, F.:
A robust nonlinear mixed hybrid quadrilateral shell element, Int. J. Num. Meth. Engng., 64 (2005), p. 635-666.
Wagner, W., Gruttmann, F.:
FEM für Flächentragwerke - Beispiele zur Beurteilung der Leistungsfähigkeit, Baustatik-Baupraxis-9, 417-427, Institut für Statik und Dynamik der Tragwerke TU Dresden, 2005, ISBN 3-00-015456-6.
Klinkel, S., Sansour, C., Wagner, W.:
An anisotropic fibre-matrix model of finite elastic-plastic strains. Computational Mechanics,35 (2005), p. 409-417.
Klinkel, S., Wagner, W.:
A nonlinear piezoelectric mixed solid shell finite element formulation, Proceedings Third MIT Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, K.-J. Bathe (ed), 14.-17.06.2005 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA, p 121-126.
Butz, A., Klinkel, S., Wagner, W.:
A nonlinear piezoelectric 3D-beam finite element formulation, Proceedings Third MIT Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, K.-J. Bathe (ed), 14.-17.06.2005 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA, p 291-296.
Gruttmann, F., Wagner, W.:
A linear quadrilateral shell element with fast stiffness computation, Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engng. 194 (2005), 4279-4300
Wagner, W., Gruttmann, F.:
Delamination Growth Analysis of Composite Panels, Revue européenne des éléments finis, 13, 8 (2004), p. 915-929.
Klinkel, S., Gruttmann, F., Wagner, W.:
Four-Field Mixed Formulation for a Solid-Shell Element, Sixth World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM VI), September 5-10, 2004, Peking, China, Paper 167, 1-10.
Lapusta, Y., Aubourg, V., Wagner, W.:
Microinstabilités en compression : une estimation du rôle de fissures interfaciales, submitted to Comptes Rendus Mécanique
Gruttmann, F., Wagner, W.:
A stabilized one-point integrated quadrilateral Reissner-Mindlin plate element, Int. J. Num. Meth. Engng., 61(2004), 2273-2295.
Wagner, W., Gruttmann, F.:
On Efficient FE-Formulations in the Stability Analysis of Thin-walled Structures, Sixth World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM VI), September 5-10, 2004, Peking, China, Paper 509, 1-10.
Wagner, W., Gruttmann, F.:
A new stabilized one-point integrated shear-elastic plate element, Fourth European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Jyväskylä, Finnland, 24-28.7.2004, Paper 350, 1-13.
Degenhardt, R., Rohwer, K., Wagner, W., Delsemme, J.-P.:
Postbuckling and Collapse Analysis of Stringer Stiffened Panels - a GARTEUR Activity, in J Loughlan (ed.) Thin-Walled Structures - Advances in Research, Design and Manufacturing Technology, IoP Publishing, Bristol, p.121-128.
Wüst, J.:
Computation of yield-line geometries for polygonal slabs using Catalan numbers. 5th International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering, 16.-19.Juni 2004, Delft, Niederlande, Taylor & Francis Group, London, 2004, ISBN 90 5809 676 9.
Wenzel, M.:
On Dimensional Adaptivity For Mixed Beam-Shell-Structures, PAMM, 4 (2004), p. 382-383.
Wüst, J.:
Prediction of Yield-line Geometries for Arbitrary Simply Supported Slabs, PAMM, 4 (2004), p. 384-385.
Wagner, W.:
Numerical Simulation of DLR-Benchmark: Axially compressed stiffened CFRP panel, in IB 131-2003/29 GARTEUR Open, SM, AG 25, Postbuckling and Collapse Analysis-Benchmark 3 Evaluation Report and Collected Contributions by Richard Degenhardt, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V., Dec. 2003.
Butz, A.:
Ein finites Balkenelement zur Untersuchung von piezoelektrischen Strukturen, "Aktuelle Beiträge aus Baustatik und Comp. Mechanics", Berichte aus dem Konstruktiven Ingenieurbau, Universität der Bundeswehr München 03/3 (2003), 259-270
Schütt, J.:
Ein Materialmodell zur numerischen Untersuchung von Betonstrukturen bis zum vollständigen Versagen, "Aktuelle Beiträge aus Baustatik und Comp. Mechanics", Berichte aus dem Konstruktiven Ingenieurbau, Universität der Bundeswehr München 03/3 (2003), 61-70
Klinkel, S., Govindjee, S.:
Anisotropic bending-torsion coupling for warping in a non-linear beam, Computational Mechanics 31, pp. 78-87, 2003 Abstract
Lapusta, Y., Harich, J., Wagner, W.:
3D Finite Element Modeling of Fiber-Matrix Instabilities in Compression. International Journal of Fracture, Vol. 122, Issue 3-4, L125-130.
Sansour, C., Feih, S., Wagner, W.:
On the performance of enhanced strain finite elements in large strain deformations of elastic shells. Comparison of two classes of constitutive models for rubber materials. Engineering Computations, 7 (2003), p. 875-895.
Sansour, Wagner, W.:
Viscoplasticity based on additive decomposition of logarithmic strain and unified constitutive equations. Theoretical and computational considerations with reference to shell applications. Computers & Structures, 81 (2003), p. 1583-1594.
Wagner, W., Gruttmann, F.:
Ein einheitliches Modell zur Berechnung der Schubspannungen aus St. Venant'scher Torsion in beliebigen Querschnitten prismatischer Stäbe, Technische Mechanik 23 (2003), 251-264.
Klinkel, S., Sansour, C., Wagner, W.:
An Anisotropic Finite Elastic-Plastic Model for Fibre-Matrix Materials, K. J. Bathe(ed) Proceedings of the Second MIT Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, 17.-20.6.2003 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA, Vol. l, 387-391.
Schütt, J., Wagner, W.:
A Numerical Formulation to Describe the 3D Behaviour of Concrete and its 3D-FE-Implementation, K.J. Bathe(ed) Proceedings of the Second MIT Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, 17.-20.6.2003 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA, Vol. l, 632-636.
Wagner, W., Gruttmann F.:
Grenzmomente von Walzprofilen für Torsionsbelastung bei Verwendung verschiedener mathematisch-mechanischer Modelle, GAMM 2003 Annual Scientific Conference, 24-28.03.2003, Abano Terme.
Wenzel, M.:
Consistent Transition of Beam-Shell Structures within the FE Method, PAMM, 3 (2003) p. 320-321.
Butz, A., Klinkel, S.:
An anisotropic finite 3D beam element for the analysis of piezoelectric structures, PAMM 3 (2003) p. 262-263.
Lapusta, Y.N., Wagner, W.:
Estimation of the effects of initially closed interfacial cracks on fiber-matrix stability in compression, Int. Journal of Fracture 119, L71-L76, 2003.
Ziegler, R., Wagner, W., Bletzinger, K.-U..:
A Finite-Element-Model for the Analysis of Wrinkled Membrane Structures, Int. J. of Space Structures, 18 (2003), p. 1-14.
Sansour, C., Wagner, W.:
A Path independent Approach_CompMech_2002.pdf" target="blank"> Multiplicative Updating of the Rotation Tensor in the Finite Element Analysis of Rods and Shells - A Path independent Approach, Computational Mechanics, 31 (2003), p. 153-62
Wagner, W., Gruttmann, F.:
Modeling of Shell-Beam Transitions in the Presence of Finite Rotations,
Computer Assisted Mechanics and Engineering Sciences, 9 (2002), 405-418.
Wagner, W., Gruttmann, F. :
Genaue Berechnung der elastischen Grenzmomente von Walzprofilen bei Torsionsbelastung, Der Stahlbau 71 (2002), 803-814.
Klinkel, S., Govindjee, S.:
Using finite strain 3D-material models in beam and shell elements, Engineering Computations 19(8), pp. 902-921, 2002, Abstract
Sansour, C., Wagner, W., Münch, I.:
The rotation group in non-linear shell and rod theories. Path independent multiplicative updating and energy-momentum methods, Euromech 444: Critical Review of the Theories of Plates and Shells and New Applications, September 22-25, Bremen, 2002.
Schütt, J.:
A three-dimensional model for concrete and its numerical implementation, 4th International Ph.D. Symposium in Civil Engineering, 19.-21. September 2002, München, Editors: Schießl, P.; Gebbeken, N.; Keuser, M.; Zilch, K., Springer-VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf, 2002, Vol.2, 275-280.
Sansour, C., Wagner, W., Wriggers, P, Sansour, J.:
An Energy-Momentum Integration Scheme and Enhanced Strain Finite Elements for the Non-linear Dynamics of Shells, Int. J. of Non-Linear Mechanics, 37 (2002) 951-966.
Lapusta, Y.N., Wagner, W.:
A study on the influence of interfaces on compressive stability of fiber composites, 12th International Workshop Computational Mechanics of Materials, 16.-17.9.2002, Darmstadt.
Münch, I., Wagner, W.:
Automatische Bemessung, Optimierung und Kalkulation von Pfettendächern im Industriehallenbau, Die Bautechnik, 79 (2002), 375 - 383.
Sansour, C., Kollmann, F.G.:
Inelastic generalized continua: From the Cosserat continuum to dislocation theory. Theoretical and numerical íssues, in: Plasticity, Damage and Fracture at Macro, micro and Nano Scales, A.S. Khan and O. Lopez-Pamies (eds.), Neat Press Fulton, Maryland, 2002, 340-342.
Sansour, C.:
On the formulation of elastic anisotropy within multiplicative finite strain inelasticity, in: Plasticity, Damage and Fracture at Macro, Micro and Nano scales, A.S. Khan and O. Lopez-Pamies (eds.), Neat Press Fulton, Maryland, 2002, 337-339.
Wagner, W., Gruttmann, F.:
FE-Modeling of Fiber Reinforced Polymer Structures, Proceedings of the Fifth World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM V), July 7-12, 2002, Vienna, Austria, Editors: Mang, H.A.; Rammerstorfer, F.G.; Eberhardsteiner, J., Publisher: Vienna University of Technology, Austria, ISBN 3-9501554-0-6.
Lapusta, Y.:
A numerical study of the boundary effects and some micro--interactions during fiber-matrix instabilities in composites. Proceedings of the Fifth World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM V), July 7-12, 2002, Vienna, Austria, Editors: Mang, H.A.; Rammerstorfer, F.G.; Eberhardsteiner, J., Publisher: Vienna University of Technology, Austria, ISBN 3-9501554-0-6.
Lapusta, Y., Wagner, W.:
Zur Berechnung einiger Instabilitätsprobleme von Faserverbundwerkstoffen mit Grenzeffekten. GAMM'2002, 25.03.2002, Augsburg, Book of Abstracts, 91 (2002).
Wagner, W., Gruttmann, F.:
Berechnung der Schubspannungen aus Querkraft in dünnwandigen Querschnitten mit einem programmiergerechten Verfahren, Baustatik-Baupraxis-8, Braunschweig, 21-22.3.2002, D. Dinkler (ed.), Balkema Publishers, Rotterdam, 2002, p. 353-364.
Gruttmann, F., Wagner, W.:
Finite-Element-Berechnungen von räumlichen Stabtragwerken mit elastoplastischem Materialverhalten, Baustatik-Baupraxis-8, Braunschweig, 21-22.3.2002, D. Dinkler (ed.), Balkema Publishers, Rotterdam, 2002, p. 341-352.
Wagner, W., Klinkel, S., Gruttmann, F.:
Elastic and plastic analysis of thin-walled structures using hexahedral elements, Computers and Structures, 80 (2002), 857-869.
Ziegler, R., Wagner, W., Bletzinger, K.-U.:
Ein Finite-Elemente-Modell zur Berechnung von vorgespannten Membrantragwerken, Der Bauingenieur, 77 (2002), Heft 2, p.58-64.
Wagner, W., Gruttmann, F. :
A displacement method for the analysis of flexural shear stresses in thin-walled composite beams, Computers and Structures, 80 (2002), 1843-1851.
Wagner, W., Gruttmann, F.:
Modeling of Shell-Beam Transitions in the Presence of Finite Rotations, Computer Assisted Mechanics and Engineering Sciences, 9 (2002), 405-418.
Georgiou, I., Sansour, J., Sansour, C.:
POD-analysis of the finite element dynamics of nonlinear in-plane rods,
Acta Mechanica, 2002, to appear.
Lapusta, Y.N., Wagner, W.:
On evaluation of the influence of a cavity and a damaged fiber-matrix interface on fiber stability.
International Journal of Fracture, 111(2) (2001), 35-38.
Lapusta, Y.:
On a formulation and solutions for doubly periodic cracking in [alpha_1m, alpha_2n]_s laminates, International Journal of Fracture, 107(2) (2001), L29-L32.
Lapusta, Y. Wagner W.:
On elastic stability analysis of a fiber-reinforced semi-infinite compressible material, GAMM ' 2001 Annual Scientific Conference, 12-15.02.2001, Zürich, Book of Abstracts, 78-79 (2001).
Lapusta, Y. Samborska A.N.:
On mathematical modeling of stability loss of a fibre series in an incompressible matrix, ZAMM - Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 81(2), Teil Suppl., S399-400 (2001).
Lapusta, Y.N., Wagner, W.:
On a simple representation of a fiber-matrix interface with initially closed cracks in 3D stability analysis, International Journal of Fracture, 109(4) (2001), L31-L34.
Wagner, W., Gruttmann, F :
Delamination Growth Analysis of Composite Panels, Euromech Colloquium 424 Buckling Predictions of Imperfection Sensitive Structures,
5.09.2001, Kerkrade, Niederlande.
Wagner, W., Ziegler, R.:
Aspects of Formfinding and Numerical Analysis of Membrane Structures, CD-Proceedings of the Second European Conference on Computational Mechanics, June 26.-29.2001 Cracow University of Technology, Cracow, Poland, 477, 1-24.
Lapusta Y.:
A model for surface effects and fibre interaction in 3D stability analysis of composites, Papers CD-ROM, European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM-2001), 26 - 29 June 2001, Cracow (2001).
Gruttmann, F., Wagner, W.:
Ein Weggrößenverfahren zur Berechnung von Querkraftschubspannungen in dünnwandigen Querschnitten, Der Bauingenieur 76 (2001), 474-480.
Wagner, W., Klinkel, S., Gruttmann, F.:
On the Computation of Finite Strain Plasticity Problems with a 3D-Shell Element, K.J. Bathe (ed.) Proc. First MIT Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, 12.-15.06.2001 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA, Elsevier Amsterdam 2001, 536-537(Vol.I).
Lapusta Y.:
3D models of fiber-matrix instabilities in composites and possible micro-interactions, First M.I.T. Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, June 12 - 15, 2001, Cambridge MA, Compilation of Abstracts, p. 83 (2001).
Gruttmann, F., Wagner, W.:
A Finite Element Model for the Analysis of Delaminations in FRP-Shells, in W.A. Wall, K.-U. Bletzinger, K. Schweizerhof (eds.) Trends in Computational Structural Mechanics, (20.-23.05.2001, Schloss Hofen, Lake Constance, Austria) CIMNE, Barcelona 2001, 307-316.
Sansour, C., Wagner, W.:
Anisotropic Formulations for Finite Strain Viscoplasticity. Applications to Shells, in W.A. Wall, K.-U. Bletzinger, K.Schweizerhof (eds.) Trends in Computational Structural Mechanics, (20.-23.05.2001, Schloss Hofen, Lake Constance, Austria), CIMNE, Barcelona 2001, 198-207.
Sansour, C., Wagner, W.:
A Model of Finite Strain Viscoplasticity Based on Unified Constitutive Equations. Theoretical and Computational Considerations with Applications to Shells, Comp. Meth. in Appl. Mech. Engng., 191(2001), 423-450.
Wagner, W., Gruttmann, F., Sprenger, W.:
A Finite Element Formulation for the Simulation of Propagating Delaminations in Layered Composite Structures, Int. J. Num. Meth. Engng., 51 (2001), 1337-1359.
Gruttmann, F., Wagner, W.:
Shear correction factors in Timoshenko's beam theory for arbitrary shaped cross-sections, Computational Mechanics, 27 (2001), 199-207.
Lapusta, Y.N., Wagner, W.:
A Numerical Estimation of the Effects of a Cylindrical Hole and Imperfect Bonding on Stability of a Fiber in an Elastic Matrix, Int. Int. J. Num. Meth. Engng., 51 (2001), 631-646.
Wagner, W., Gruttmann, F.:
Finite Element Analysis of Saint-Venant Torsion Problem with Exact Integration of the Elastic-Plastic Constitutive Equations, Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Eng., 190 (2001), 3831-3848.
Lapusta, Y.N., Wagner, W.:
On Various Material and Fibre-Matrix Interface Models in the Near-Surface Instability Problems of Fibrous Composites, Composites Part A: Applied science and manufacturing, 32 (2001), 415-425
Ziegler, R., Wagner, W.:
Von der Formfindung zum Membrantragwerk, Bauen mit Textilien, 4 (2001), 7-17.
Lapusta, Y.N., Wagner, W.:
An estimation of the influence of a matrix cavity and a damaged fibre-matrix interface on stability of composites, ZAMM 81 (2001), Supplement 4, p. S855-S856.
Gruttmann, F., Sauer, R., Wagner, W.:
Theory and Numerics of Three-Dimensional Beams with Elastoplastic Material Behaviour,
Int. J. Num. Meth. Engng., 48 (2000), 1675-1702.
Klinkel, S., Wagner, W., Gruttmann, F. :
A Continuum Based 3D-Shell Element for Computation of Laminated Structures and Finite Strain Plasticity Problems, Computational Techniques for Materials, Composites and Composite Structures, Civil-Comp Press, (2000), 297-310.
Wagner, W.:
Modeling of Shell-Beam Transitions in the Presence of Finite Rotations,NATO-ARW on Computational Aspects of Nonlinear Structural Systems with Large Rigid Body Motion, 2-7.7.2000, Pultusk, Polen, 49-60.
Ziegler, R. Wagner, W., Bletzinger, K.-U.:
A Multisurface Concept for the Finite-Element Analysis of Wrinkling Membranes,IASS-IACM Fourth Int. Colloqium on Computation of Shell Spatial Structures, 2000, Chania, Griechenland, Conference-CD, paper 059, 1-17.
Wagner, W., Gruttmann, F.:
Finite-Element-Modeling of Shell-Beam Transitions with 'Optimal' Constraints,IASS-IACM Fourth Int. Colloqium on Computation of Shell Spatial Structures, 2000, Chania, Griechenland, Conference-CD, paper 002, 1-12.
Sprenger, W., Gruttmann, F., Wagner, W.:
Delamination growth analysis in laminated structures with continuum based 3D-shell elements and a viscoplastic softening model, Comp. Meth. in Appl. Mech. Engng., 185 (2000), 123-139.
Mejia, L.G.:
Interozeanischer Kanal oder Interozeanische Zugverbindung in Kolumbien: Eine Herausforderung? Bauingenieur 75 (2000), 592-593.
Lapusta, Y.N., Wagner, W.:
A model for the prediction of the effects of holes and adhesion imperfections on compressive strength of fibrous composites, 4th EUROMECH Solid Mechanics Conference (ESMC), Metz, 26-30.06.2000. Book of Abstracts II, 263
Gruttmann, F., Wagner, W.:
St. Venantsche Torsion prismatischer Stäbe mit elastoplastischem Werkstoffverhalten,
Der Bauingenieur 75 (2000), Heft 2, 53-59.
Bletzinger, K.-U., Ziegler, R.:
Theoretische Grundlagen der numerischen Formfindung von Membrantragwerken und Minimalflächen, Betonkalender 2000, Band 2, Ernst & Sohn, Berlin, (2000), 441-456.
Bletzinger, K.-U., Bischoff, M., Ramm, E.:
A unified approach for shear-locking-free triangular and rectangluar shell finite elements, a) Proc. of Fourth World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 29.06- 02.07.1998, b) to be published in Computers & Structures March 2000
Wagner, W., Gruttmann, F.:
Strategies for The Finite Element Analysis of Nonlinear Composite Structures, H. A. Mang, F. G. Rammerstorfer (eds.) Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium on Discretization Methods in Structural Mechanics II, Wien, 02-06.1997, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, (1999), 281-290.
Klinkel, S.:
A continuum based 3D-shell element for thin shell structures, Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 1999, Band 79, Heft 2, Teil Supplement, pp.553-554, Abstract
Bletzinger, K.-U.:
Optimal Shapes of Lightweight Structures, Proceedings of the 3rd World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Niagara Falls/Amherst, N.Y., USA, 17.-21.05.1999 Internet publication:
Bletzinger, K.-U.:
Structural Optimization and Form Finding of Light Weight Structures, Proceedings of the European Conference on Computational Mechanics, München, 31.08-03.09.1999.
Bletzinger, K.-U., Ramm, E.:
A General Finite Element Approach to the Form Finding of Tensile Structures, Int. Journal of Space Structures, 14 (1999), 131-145.
Lapusta Y.:
Modelling of the fibre-matrix instability near a cavity in a composite under compression, in.: W. Wunderlich (ed.): Proceedings of the European Conference on Computational Mechanics 1999,
(ECCM'99), München, Germany, 31.08.-03.09.1999, Proceedings CD-ROM, Paper 309, (1999), 1-9.
Sansour, C., Kollmann, F.G:
Families of 4-node and 9-node finite elements for a finite deformation shell theory. An assessment of hybrid stress, hybrid strain, and enhanced strain elements,
Comput. Mechanics, 24 (1999), 435-447.
Lapusta Y.:
A 3-D micromechanical model of fibre instability in composite structures,
GAMM '99 Annual Meeting, 12.-14.04.1999, Metz, France, Book of Abstracts, 93-94.
Ziegler R.:
Approximationskriterien für die Beurteilung des Formfindung vorgespannter Membrantragwerke,
11. Forum Bauinformatik Darmstadt 1999, Fortschr.-Ber. VDI Reihe 4 Nr. 156.
Lapusta, Y.N., Wagner, W.:
On Various Material and Fibre-Matrix Interface Models in the Near-Surface Instability Problems of Fibrous Composites, 6th Conf. on Interfacial Phenomena in Composite Materials,
08.-10.09.1999, 10b3, Berlin, Book of Abstr.
Lapusta, Y.N., Wagner, W.:
On a Role of Fibre-Matrix Interfaces in the Context of Near-Surface Stability Analysis of Composite Materials, Proc. ICCM-12, 12th Int. Conf. on Composite Materials,05.-09.07.1999, Paris. (1999)
Wagner, W., Gruttmann, F.:
Calculation of Torsional Quantities of Arbitrary Beam Cross-Sections via Adaptive Finite-Element-Formulations, in E.M. Croitoro (ed.): Proc. of the 1st Canadian Conference on Nonlinear Solid Mechanics, 16.-20.06.1999,Victoria, 467-477.
Gruttmann, F., Wagner, W.:
Geometrical and Material Nonlinear Three-Dimensional Beams - Theory and Numerics, W. Wunderlich (ed.) CD-Proceedings of the European Conference on Computational Mechanics 1999, 31.08.-03.09.1999, München, 276, 1-13.
Sansour, C., Kollmann, F.G.:
A formulation of finite strain thermo-plasticity based on unified models, in: O.T. Bruhns, E. Stein (eds.), Micro- and Macrostructural Aspects of Thermoplasticity, Kluwer Academic Publishers Dordrecht, (1999), 25-34.
Wagner, W., Sauer, R., Gruttmann, F.:
Tafeln der Torsionskenngrößen von Walzprofilen unter Verwendung von FE-Diskretisierungen,
Stahlbau 68 (1999), 102-111.
Sansour, C., Kollmann, F.G.:
A formulation of elastic-viscoplastic Cosserat and micromorphic continua, in: Constitutive and Damage Modeling of Inelastic Deformation and Phase Transformation,
A.S. Khan (ed.), Neat Press Fulton, Maryland, (1999), 91-94.
Wagner, W., Gruttmann, F.:
Finite-Element-Berechnungen von Schubspannungen aus Querkraft in beliebigen Querschnitten prismatischer Stäbe, Baustatik-Baupraxis-7, 75-82, A.A. Balkema Publishers, Rotterdam, (1999).
Kollmann, F.G., Sansour, C.:
On the formulation of finite strain anisotropic viscoplasticity, in: Constitutive and Damage Modeling of Inelastic Deformation and Phase Transformation, A.S. Khan (ed.), Neat Press Fulton, Maryland, (1999), 59-62.
Klinkel, S., Gruttmann, F., Wagner, W.:
A continuum based three-dimensional-shell element for laminated structures, Computers & Structures, 71 (1999), 43-62.
Sprenger, W., Wagner, W.:
On the formulation of geometrical nonlinear 3D-Rebar-elements using the enhanced assumed strain method, Engineering Structures, 21, (1999), 209-218.
Gruttmann, F., Sauer, R., Wagner, W.:
Shear stresses in prismatic beams with arbitrary cross-sections, Int. J. Num. Meth. Engng., 45 (1999), 865-889
Bletzinger, K.-U., Bischoff, M.:
Unified formulation of shear-locking free triangular and rectangular plate and shell elements, Proc. of the Fourth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Edinburgh, Scottland, 18.-20.08.1998.
Klinkel, S., Gruttmann, F., Wagner, W.:
Refined FE-Formulations for Thin Structures Using Brick Elements, in: Theoretische und numerische Methoden in der angewandten Mechanik mit Praxisbeispielen, (1998).
Lichtenfels, A., Wagner, W.:
Traglastberechnung ebener Stahlbetonstabwerke nach EC2, Der Bauingenieur, 73 (1998), 36-42.
Gruttmann, F., Wagner, W., Sauer, R.:
Zur Berechnung der Schubspannungen aus Querkräften in Querschnitten prismatischer Stäbe mit der Methode der finiten Elemente, Der Bauingenieur, 73 (1998), 485-490.
Gruttmann, F., Sauer, R., Wagner, W.:
A Geometrical Nonlinear Eccentric 3D-Beam Element with Arbitrary Cross-Sections, Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engng., 160 (1998), 383-400.
Gruttmann, F., Wagner, W., Sauer, R.:
Zur Berechnung von Wölbfunktion und Torsionskennwerten beliebiger Stabquerschnitte mit der Methode der finiten Elemente, Der Bauingenieur , 73 (1998), 138-143.
Wagner, W., Gruttmann, F., Sauer, R.:
Adaptive Finite-Element-Lösungen von Verwölbungen und Torsionskennwerten beliebiger Querschnitte, in: P. Wriggers et al.(eds.) Finite Elemente in der Baupraxis, FEM'98, W. Ernst & Sohn, Berlin, (1998), 251-260.
Wagner, W., Gruttmann, F., Sauer, R.:
Large displacement 3D-beam formulations for the eccentric coupling with shells, in: Proceedings of the 4th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, 29.6.-02.7.1998, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Part II, Section 7, Paper 16, 1-14.
Klinkel, S.:
An Effective Geometrical Nonlinear 3-D Element with Anisotropic Composite Material, in: ZAMM: Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik, Berlin 1998, Volume 98, Supplement 2 (Short Communications in Mechanics, H-Z), 541-542.
Sprenger, W.:
Geometrisch nichtlineare 3-dimensionale Rebar-Elemente, in: ZAMM, Berlin, (1998), 743-744.
Sauer, R., Gruttmann, F.:
Torsion-Bending Coupling of Prismatical Beams with Finite Elastic Deformations,
in: ZAMM, Berlin (1998), 699-700.
Wagner, W., Gruttmann, F.:
Modeling of fiber reinforced polymer structures with damage, in ZAMM, Berlin, (1998). Volume 98, Supplement 1 (Mini Symposium 4), 69-72.
Klinkel, S., Wagner, W.:
A Geometrical Nonlinear Brick Element based on the EAS-Method
Int. J. Num. Meth. Engng., 40 (1997), 4529-4545.
Bletzinger, K.-U., Maute, K.:
Towards generalized shape and topology optimization, Engineering Optimization, 29 (1997), 201-216.
Bletzinger, K.-U.:
Neue Entwicklungen und Anwendungen der Tragwerksoptimierung in Wissenschaft und Praxis, Band 85, Veröffentlichung der Fachhochschule Biberach, (1997).
Höß, P., Heil, W., Wagner, W.:
Traglast für Träger aus U--Profilen mit Drehbettung und Normalkraftbelastung, Stahlbau, 66 (1997), 214-217.
Bletzinger, K.-U.:
Form finding of tensile structures by the updated reference strategy, in Structural Morphology - Towards the New Millenium (eds. J. C. Chilton, B. S. Choo, W. J. Lewis, O. Popovic), Proc. of the IASS International Colloquium, Nottingham, (1997), 68-75,
Bletzinger, K.-U.:
Aspekte der mechanischen Modellierung in der Strukturoptimierung, ZAMM, (1997).
Wagner, W., Gruttmann, F., Klinkel, S.:
Modeling of Nonlinear Composite Shells with Enhanced 8--node Brick Elements, in Proceedings of the 4th Int. Conf. on Composites Engineering, 06.-11.07.1997, Big Island, Hawaii.
Wagner, W., Gruttmann, F., Klinkel, S.:
Delamination Analysis of Nonlinear Composite Structures using Enhanced 8-Node Brick Elements, in: Proceedings of the 11th Int. Conf. on Composite Materials, 14.-18.07.1997, Goldcoast, Australia.
Wagner, W., Gruttmann, F., Sauer, R.:
On torsion-bending coupling of three-dimensional beams with finite deformations - theory and numerical investigations, in: Aspects in Modern Computational Structural Analysis, Balkema Rotterdam, (1997).
Wagner, W.:
Zur Bemessung von Einfeld- und Durchlaufträgern aus rundkantigen U-Stahl, Der Bauingenieur, 72 (1997) 521.
Bletzinger, K.-U., Maute, K.:
Strukturoptimierung, in: Prozeß und Form "Natürlicher Konstruktionen - der Sonderforschungsbereich 230" (Hrsgb. K. Teichmann, J. Wilke), Ernst und Sohn, Berlin, (1996), 131-147.
Bletzinger, K.-U., Maute, K., Ramm, E.:
Structural concepts by optimization, in Conceptual Design of Structures, Proc. of the IASS International Symposium, Stuttgart, (1996), 169-177.
Bletzinger, K.-U.:
Shape optimization by homotopy methods with special application to membrane structures, in proc. of the 6th AIAA/NASA/ISSMO Symposium on Multidisciplinary Analysis and optimization, Bellevue, WA, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, (1996), 122-129.
Wagner, W., Heil, W., Höß, P.:
Bemessung von Einfeld- und Durchlaufträgern aus rundkantigem U-Stahl (DIN 1026) nach dem Traglastverfahren unter Berücksichtigung einer Drehbettung und einer Normalkraftbelastung.
AiF-Forschungsvorhaben Nr. 9759, Studiengesellschaft Stahlanwendung e.V. 1996.
Gruttmann, F., Wagner, W.:
Numerical Aspects of Delamination Analysis in Composite Shell Structures Proceedings of the First Int. Conf. on Composite Science and Technology, 18.-20.06.1996, Durban, S.A. 591-596.
Gruttmann, F., Wagner, W.:
Coupling of 2D- and 3D-Composite Shell Elements in Linear and Nonlinear Applications, Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engng., 129 (1996), 271-287.
Gruttmann, F., Wagner, W.:
Delamination Analysis of thin Composite Structures using a Multi-Director Formulation, B.H.V. Topping(ed.) Advances in Analysis and Design, Civil-Comp. Press, Edinburgh, (1996), 51-59.
Knebel, K., Schweizerhof, K.:
Buckling of Cylindrical Shells Containing Granular Solids, Thin-Walled Structures, 74 (1995), 295-312.
Knebel, K., Schweizerhof, K.:
Stability Analysis of Axially Loaded Cylindrical Shells with Unilateral Constraints, Proceeding of ICIAM 95 , Hamburg 03.-07.07,1995.
Höß, P.:
Optimale Bemessung von Stockwerkrahmen mit biegesteifen und biegeweichen Rahmenknoten. Stahlbau, 64 (1995), 175-184.
Wriggers, P., Eberlein, R., Gruttmann, F.:
An Axisymmetrical Quasi-Kirchhoff-Type Shell Element for Large Plastic Deformations,
Arch. Appl. Mech., 65 (1995), 465-477.
Sauer, R., Wagner, W.:
Experimentelle und numerische Untersuchungen zur aussteifenden Wirkung von Trapezblechscheiben, Stahlbau, 64 (1995), 289-294.
Gruttmann, F., Wagner, W., Wriggers, P.:
Bericht zum Teilprojekt 2: Modellbildung für die Berechnung des Stabilitätsverhaltens von Faserverbundstrukturen, der DFG-Forschergruppe, Zuverlässigkeit von Modellierung und Berechnung in der angewandten Mechanik, 1995.
Gruttmann, F., Klinkel, S., Wagner, W.:
A Finite Rotation Shell Theory with Application to Composite Structures, European Journal of Finite Elements, 4 (1995), 597-632.
Gruttmann, F., Wagner, W.:
A Generalized Nonlinear Finite Element Formulation for CompositeShells, ZAMM, 75 (1995), SI 153-154.
Gruttmann, F., Stein, E., Wagner, W.:
A Generalized FE-Method for Non-Linear Composite Shells with 2D- and 3-D Modeling, in: Atluri S.N., Yagawa G., Cruse T.A. (eds), Computational Mechanics '95, Springer-Verlag: Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, (1995), 2533-2538.
Wagner, W., Gruttmann, F.:
A Computational Model for the Delamination Analysis of Composite Shells,
in D.R.J. Owen, E. Oñate (eds), Proceedings of the 4th Int. Conf. on Computational Plasticity: Fundamentals and Applications, Barcelona, (1995), 1191-1202.
Wagner, W.:
A Note on FEM-Buckling Analysis,
Comm. Num. Meth. Engng., 11 (1995), 149-158.
Miehe, C., Stein, E., Wagner, W.:
Associative Multiplicative Elasto-Plasticity, Formulation and Aspects of the Numerical Implementation including Stability Analysis, Computers & Structures, 52 (1994), 969-978.
Peters, K., Stein, E., Wagner, W.:
A New Boundary-Type Finite Element for 2D- and 3D-Elastic Solids,
Int. J. Num. Meth. Engng., 37 (1994), 1009-1025.
Schweizerhof, K., Baumann, M., Andrussow, S.:
An efficient mixed hybrid 4-node shell element with assumed stresses for membrane, bending and shear parts, Engineering Computations, 11 (1994).
Gruttmann, F., Wagner, W.:
On the Numerical Analysis of Local Effects in Composite Structures,
Composite Structures, 29 (1994), 1-12.
Gruttmann, F.:
Zur Berechnung von Faserverbundstrukturen mit höherwertigen finiten Schalenelementen, ZAMM, 74 (1994), 4-5, T275-T277.
Wagner, W., Gruttmann, F.:
A Generalized Nonlinear Finite Element Formulation for CompositeShells,
Proc. of the ICCE/1, New Orleans (1994), 999-1000.
Wagner, W., Gruttmann, F.:
A Simple Finite Rotation Formulation for Composite Shell Elements,
Engineering Computations, 11 (1994), 145-176.
Wagner, W.:
Zur Theorie und Numerik von Faserverbundschalen bei endlichen Drehungen,
ZAMM, 74 (1994), 4-5, T277-T279
Wagner, W., Stein, E.:
A New Finite Element Formulation for Cylindrical Shells of Composite Material,
Composites Engineering., 3 (1993), 899-910.
Carstensen, C., Wagner, W.:
Detecting Symmetry Breaking Bifurcation Points of Symmetric Structures, Int. J. Num. Meth. Engng., 36 (1993), 3019-3039.
Gruttmann, F., Wagner, W., Meyer, L., Wriggers, P.:
A Nonlinear Composite Shell Element With Continuous Interlaminar Stresses, Computational Mechanics, 13 (1993), 175-188
Gruttmann, F., Wagner, W., Wriggers, P.:
A Nonlinear Quadrilateral Shell Element With Drilling Degrees of Freedom, Archive of Applied Mechanics, 62 (1992) 474-486.
Wagner, W.:
Stability Analysis of Shells with the Finite Element Method, in: Nonlinear Analysis of Shells by Finite Elements, ed. F. G. Rammerstorfer CISM Courses and Lectures No.328, Springer-Verlag Wien-New York, 1992, 91-130.
Wagner, W.:
Zur Formulierung eines geometrisch nichtlinearen Finiten Elementes für zylindrische Faserverbundschalen, Statik und Dynamik im konstruktiven Ingenieurbau, Festschrift Wilfried B. Krätzig, SFB 151-Berichte Nr.23, 1992, B3-B10.
Wriggers, P., Wagner W. (eds.):
'Nonlinear Computational Mechanics - State of the Art' ,750 p, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New-York (1991).
Wagner, W., Wriggers, P.:
Calculation of Bifurcation Points Via Fold Curves, in: Nonlinear Computational Mechanics, State of the Art, eds. P. Wriggers, W. Wagner, Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg-New-York (1991), 69 - 84.
Wagner, W.:
Zur Behandlung von Stabilitätsproblemen der Elastostatik mit der Methode der Finiten Elemente, Forschungs- und Seminarberichte aus dem Bereich der Mechanik der Universität Hannover, F91/1 (1991).
Wagner, W.:
A Path Following Algorithm with Quadratic Predictor, Comp. & Structures, 39 (1991), 339-348.
Wagner W., Gruttmann, F.:
On the Stability Behaviour of Composite Shells, in: P. Ladeveze, O.C. Zienkiewicz (eds.) Proceedings of the European Conference on New Advances in Computational Structural Mechanics, Giens (France) 2.-5.4.1991, 539-546.
Stein, E., Gruttmann, F., Peters, K., Rust, E., Wagner, W.:
Numerische Untersuchungen an 2 gelochten CFK-Proben, DLR-Bericht 5-131-4303.
Höß, P., Heil, W., Vogel, U.:
Bemessung von Einfeld- und Durchlaufträgern aus rundkantigem U-Stahl (DIN 1016) nach dem Traglastverfahren, AIF-Forschungsvorhaben 7440, 174, Studiengesellschaft Stahlanwendung e.V., Bericht Mai 1991.